$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: About Us

About Us

Hi and Welcome!

I am Ong and my fiancee wife (Chan Zui Mao a.k.a CZM) calls me a Kiam Pok (i.e. stingy/thrifty depending on how you look at it). Hence, the nickname KPO (Kiam Pok Ong). The purpose of the blog is to list down all the money-saving tips, our investment/journey to financial freedom and to document my life with CZM.

There will be 2 writers (myself and CZM). Both of us are working full time and would post articles whenever we can!

I am currently 26 27 28 29 30, graduated from university (2015) and will be joining the workforce like everyone else. I guess I was quite fortunate because I graduated without any study loan/debt. Heng my parents bought insurance when I was a baby! I also managed to get a 4-room BTO with CZM which will be completed around 2019/2020 for $430k.

Singapore is well-known for being an expensive country to live in. I too feel the stress of a typical young Singaporean who got to worry about not being able to afford for a house and early retirement. After reading a couple of financial books and blogs, I felt motivated (by ASSI) to invest for an alternative source of passive income. My goal is to have a passive income of $5000/month (currently ~$150/month) one day...

Transiting to the next phase of my life is a big thing and with all the new responsibilities coming along, I decided to start this blog to document the journey.

Food plays a huge part in my life. I love travelling to different parts of the world to try out new food and always believe that calories should only be reserved for the best food (since they are so hard to burn).

So thankfully, I have KPO who is there to travel around with me to different places to savour the best dishes. So this blog is dedicated to like-minded people who love food or needed some food recommendations.

P.S. The food posts are all based on my personal opinion.
P.S.S Due to preference and allergy reasons, I will not be blogging any food on mushrooms and seafood. Both KPO and I really hated mushrooms (yuck!)

Please feel free to contact us by email at kpooooooooooo[at]gmail.com or chanzui.mm[at]gmail.com.

Last Updated: 2020-10-04


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, can you let me know what's the best way to reach you? Thanks.

    1. Hi Edmond, you can drop me an email at kpooooooooooo[at]gmail.com or simply leave your comment in the relevant article :)

  3. Great goal! think you have achieve it quite well!

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