$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: September 2020


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Endowus Fund Smart Review

Endowus just launched a new product/portfolio called Fund Smart which allows an investor to decide and select what they want for his/her portfolio. One of the pro/con (depending on how you look at it) of robo-advisors is the lack of control to decide how/what you would like to invest in and Endowus has stepped up to fill this gap by being the first in the market to provide an option.

The product is so new that there is no landing page but it can be accessed easily by adding a new goal/portfolio. 

No surprise here. This is why till now robo-advisors did not provide something like this. Typically, a portfolio is recommended based on an individual's risk profile. By building/selecting your own fund, there is the possibility of taking more risk than one is comfortable. Hence, the need for such acknowledgment. Basically, you are on your own ("I will accept full responsibility...").

The Fund Smart portfolio allows one to select your Goal Type and Funding Source. Depending on what you select, the funds that are made available for you to select/invest will be different. You can take a look at all the funds that are available here - Investments / Fund Smart FAQ under Fund Rationales.

Once you select a fund, you will even be able to see the breakdown of the fees - fund-level fees - Endowus rebates. Note that this does not include Endowus access fee (0.25% - 0.6% depending on product/funding source). You can select up to 8 funds and allocate a certain percentage to it.

No Dimensional funds for CPF OA investment. The Infinity US500 Stock Index Fund has the lowest fee which is comparable to the Dimensional fund above. I have also selected another fund (FF-Global Dividend Fund) that has the highest fee as a comparison.

All these are available at no additional cost/fee. The fees remain the same where SRS/CPF is a flat 0.4% while cash investment will be tiered (0.25%-0.6%). Similar to my previous Endowus CPF/SRS Review, I still believe that Endowus provides the best platform to invest your SRS/CPF. Anyway, there is a Fund Smart FAQ section and you can read through them if you are interested.

In my opinion, the Endowus Fund Smart portfolio is more suitable for the more savvy investors that know what they are getting into and would like to have more control over their investment. One of the best things about robo-advisors is that it provides a hassle-free way to invest based on your risk profile. You do not need to spend time to research and decide on the underlying investment or make any decision to sell/rebalance the portfolio. By investing through Fund Smart, you will be giving that benefit up. To be honest, I'm not sure which part is smart, maybe the investor?

As an example, I do not believe Trump will make the USA great again and would like to invest in China. Which fund should I choose? What is the difference? 

Anyway, with this Fund Smart portfolio, I might consider investing my CPF OA as I didn't really like what was offered previously. Going to do some research on the China funds. lol.

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too! 

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
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3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cheapest Electricity Plan - SP Group Wholesale Electricity Part 2

Note: SP Group Wholesale Electricity No Longer The Cheapest Plan

In my previous article, I shared my last 3 months of electricity bills then (Feb, Mar and Apr 2020) to show that the SP Group Wholesale Electricity plan is probably the cheapest electricity plan available. This is a continuation of that article by sharing the more recent statements too.

May 2020

298.45 kWh - $35.90 which translate to 12.02 cents/kWh

June 2020

274.86 kWh - $33.59 which translate to 12.22 cents/kWh

July 2020

253.32 kWh - $31.62 which translate to 12.48 cents/kWh

August 2020

307.68 kWh - $42.10 which translate to 13.68 cents/kWh

September 2020

268.71 kWh - $36.73 which translate to 13.67 cents/kWh

October 2020

269.73 kWh - $39.01 which translate to 14.46 cents/kWh

November 2020

288.19 kWh - $43.43 which translate to 15.07 cents/kWh

December 2020

223.58 kWh - $36.42 which translate to 16.29 cents/kWh

Again, the above are just rough estimates as I included other fees such as GST, meter reading, etc. The more accurate way is to remove them and compute but it is already lower even when I included those miscellaneous fees. You can decide for yourself :)

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

Monday, September 14, 2020

Endowus - August 2020

Baby Ong is 28 weeks old and CZM is officially in her third trimester. We had an appointment with the gynae in the morning today and were told that she's ~1.2kg now (estimated to be ~3kg during birth)! We also went for Mount Alvernia maternity tour in the afternoon and were shocked to find out that we cannot take video in the delivery ward!

That's after I purchased a new GoPro 8 during 9.9 for this @_@" 

We have decided to opt for the Single bed room so that I will be able to accompany her throughout. Even if there's no one else sharing the 2-Bedded, the husband will not be able to stayover to accompany the wife. Given that this is our first baby, CZM needs/deserves all my attention and support. Shall blog more about this separately.

Risk Profile
Goal type: General wealth accumulation
Risk tolerance: Maximise returns (loss tolerance -60%)
Monthly investment using SRS: $740

I have modified my monthly investment in order to max out my SRS contribution for the year.

Account Summary

Capital: $8,190.00
Current: $8,588.83 (4.87%)

There are quite a few differences as compared to StashAway. Firstly, all the cash has been invested while StashAway keeps 1% of the portfolio in cash. Secondly, the fees are not deducted on a monthly basis. The Access Fee charged by Endowus will be deducted at the end of each quarter as stated in their FAQ.

As of 13 September 2020, the portfolio value is $8,377.07 (+2.28%).

Asset Allocation

This shows that the number of shares for each fund that I owned:
- Dimensional Global Core Equity Fund (134.4620)
- Infinity US 500 Stock Index Fund (1,508.6300)
- Dimensional Emerging Markets Large Cap Core Equity Fund (54.3380)
- Dimensional Pacific Basin Small Companies Fund (49.7380)

It will be great if they actually showed my average price vs the current market price.


That's all! Overall, I think the statement is pretty straightforward and easy to read. On a side note, StocksCafe does not has the ability to track funds, hence unable to do any form of comparison/benchmark.

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too!

You might be interested in previous months update too:
Endowus CPF/SRS Review
Endowus - January 2020 - $3,692.02
Endowus - February 2020 - $3,704.57
Endowus - March 2020 - $4,153.50
Endowus - April 2020 - $4,849.67
Endowus - May 2020 - $5,797.36
Endowus - June 2020 - $6,471.66
Endowus - July 2020 - $7,455.96
- Endowus - August 2020 - $8,588.83

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

Friday, September 11, 2020

Syfe - August 2020

We attended KKH Antenatal Programme (1 day intensive course) last weekend which cost $300 as a KK patient (for non-patient, it will cost $320). You can choose to do it over 4 weeks or a day which cost slightly different too.

Anyway, I found it informational while CZM was slightly disappointed because she already knew almost everything that was taught/shared except for the practical portion. In her free time, she will be reading/watching pregnancy/baby related articles/youtube while I continue to read/track financial stuff + gaming. Let's just say we have different roles and responsibilities. One interesting takeaway is we should not be feeding the baby any water until he/she is old enough for solid food. Try telling that to your parents and see the weird look on their face (totally not convinced) - "You grew up fine drinking water!". lol.

Our Syfe Portfolio
Composition: 100% REITs
Dividend: Reinvest
Monthly Investment: $1,000

Composition: 100% Equities
Dividend: Reinvest
Monthly Investment: $500

Account Statement (Lifetime)

Our current tier is Blue (<$20,000). This is determined by the size of the portfolio (currently $6,260.30) which in turn determines the fees to be charged. The statement lifetime return is $1060.30 which includes a $800 referral bonus. The actual lifetime return would be $260.30. Thanks to our readers for using our code!

Account Statement (August 2020)

The return for the month is $187.62 which includes a $110 referral bonus. This means our actual return for the month is $77.62.

As of 10 September 2020, this is our portfolio performance:

Capital: $4,000.00
Current: $5,036.83 (16.84% - return is skewed due to referrals)

New UI worth mentioning! Syfe has introduced a projection of the REIT+ portfolio based on different years and invested amount. Do click and play around with the forecast. This is not available on the Equity100 portfolio

Capital: $1,200.00
Current: $1,343.29 (14.47% - return is skewed due to referrals)

Transaction Breakdown

There are too many so I will just share a snippet. Anyway, if you want to extract the transaction information from Syfe, do take a look at this article - Syfe Transactions Parser. Anyway, the parser will not work for the Equity100 and Global ARI portfolio when there are small transactions (<0.01). You can refer to this for more information - Syfe - July 2020. The parser will work if Syfe is willing to change its UI and display more decimal places...

REIT+ Portfolio

After parsing them into a csv file, I pivoted the data to get the following view.

Management Fee

The management fee can be obtained by $5,125.71 x 0.65% / 366 * 31 ~ $2.78.

In my opinion, the return captured by StocksCafe will be a more accurate representation of our portfolio return as the referral bonuses are treated as capital. Having said that, I can also understand why Syfe treats them as a return instead of a deposit too. Just a different perspective.

Anyway, looking at the time-weighted return (13.79%) for this year, we can see that Syfe REIT+ 100% is outperforming STI ETF (including fees). In addition, if we were to look at the projected dividends till the end of the year based on the existing investment, we can expect $103.82 of dividends or $8.65 per month. Since the dividends >> fees, this is a pretty sustainable portfolio assuming if there's no capital loss.

If you are interested in signing up, do use our referral code (KPOBONUS) for some cash incentive! Invests $500 and more and we will receive a $10 bonus each. Invests $10,000 and more and we will receive a $50 bonus each. Invests $20,000 and more, we will receive a $100 bonus each!

If you are interested in the smart portfolio tracker (StocksCafe) which I am using as shown above, sign up using my link for a longer trial period :) Refer to our Referrals page for more information.

You might be interested in previous months update too:
Syfe REIT+ (100%) Review
Syfe - May 2020 - $1,135.43
Syfe - June 2020 - $2,558.58
Syfe - July 2020 - $3,872.68
- Syfe - August 2020 - $6,260.30

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

StashAway - August 2020

We are looking at doing a staycation to celebrate our wedding anniversary next month but it seems like we are pretty late to the game. The prices are rising and the weekends are like fully booked. Guess we are returning to the norm very soon?

 1. PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (as of the last day of the month)



Based on the statement (31 August 2020), our total investment is ‭$46,900.18! KPO gains $761.77 and CZM gains $‭‭‭29.49 for the month.

As of 4 September 2020, these are our portfolio performance:

KPO and CZM Cash - StashAway Risk Index 22%: $‭32,110.11 (31.22% - Capital: $26,500)

KPO SRS - StashAway Risk Index 36%: $9,390.96 (29.42% - Capital: $8,190)

CZM SRS - StashAway Risk Index 14%: $5,005.46 (24.93% - Capital: $4,500)

From here, you can see the difference in volatility/losses based on both our SRS accounts which started around the same time but with vastly different risk.

Note that these are reported in USD.

KPO and CZM Cash - StashAway Risk Index 22%

KPO SRS - StashAway Risk Index 36%

CZM SRS - StashAway Risk Index 14%


I referred StashAway to a friend. Hence, the fee stated is based on the monthly-average assets SGD ($25,000.00 x 0.8% + $5,525.58 x 0.7%) / 366 days * 31 days = $20.22. Otherwise, it would have been SGD ($25,000.00 x 0.8% + $15,525.59 x 0.7%) / 366 days * 31 days = $26.14.

The fee stated is based on the monthly-average assets SGD $4,817.65 x 0.8% / 366 days * 31 days = $3.26.


Evan (founder of StocksCafe) made an improvement where one can now benchmark their portfolio against multiple indexes/ETFs. Looking at the time-weighted return (8.89%) for this year, we can see that StashAway Risk Index 22% is outperforming the STI ETF, SPY, and IWDA (including fees). 

If we compare across the years, StashAway's portfolio is winning by a huge margin (32.13%) except losing to SPY (38.69%). In addition, it has the lowest volatility and max drawdown. This is what StashAway meant by reducing risk and maximizing the return. 

Which is the best? Only time will tell :)

Anyway, if you are interested in signing up for StashAway, do use our referral link - KPO and CZM Referral Link. You will get $10,000 free management fees for 6 months and we will get $16!

If you want to extract those transactions information from StashAway, do take a look at this article - StashAway Transactions Parser.

If you are interested in the smart portfolio tracker (StocksCafe) which I am using as shown above, sign up using my link for a longer trial period :) Refer to our Referrals page for more information.

You might be interested in previous months update too:
StashAway - January 2020 - $31,742.42
StashAway - February 2020 - $31,499.69‬
StashAway - March 2020 - $30,934.95‬
StashAway - April 2020 - ‭$34,830.73‬
StashAway - May 2020 - $37,298.09‬
StashAway - June 2020 - $39,931.79
StashAway - July 2020 - $44,125.18
- StashAway - August 2020 - $46,900.18

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Portfolio - August 2020

A lot has happened for the month of August. CZM was asking for a push present and we eventually decided to get a massage chair. She has been complaining about backache as the baby grows bigger. It was either her back that was aching or my hands so it definitely makes sense to get one. lol. We went around trying different massage chairs by OSIM and OGAWA during the national day period and decided to get OGAWA Genix at $2.2k because it was more affordable. According to CZM, the most comfortable one is OSIM uLove but that cost around $5.8k and she didn't want to spend so much.

I had to do a wisdom tooth surgery to extract my decaying impacted tooth last month. The surgery itself went smoothly (apparently there's a risk of permanent nerve damage causing numbness in the face) besides the drilling and pulling. The most painful part was when the dentist injects anesthesia into the gum and after it wears off. The next few days were torturing as well with a liquid diet and never feeling full. My pocket would have been very painful too if not for my company insurance as the surgery costs $800+.

Our portfolio has crossed the $500k milestone once again! It increased by 7.95% to $525,857 - $25,092.29 of capital injection and $13,629.65 of capital gain. This includes $45,276 of leverage/debt (gearing ~8.6%).

If you prefer to look at numbers, this is the raw data used to generate the above bar graph. These numbers are as of the last day of the month.

"Cash Flow" is the amount of money being injected/withdrawn from the portfolio (buying stocks = +ve cash flow while selling stocks and collecting dividends = -ve cash flow)


- CCB (5,000 units) @ HK$5.66
- BOC (11,000 units) @ HK$2.63
- Capitaland (434 units) @ $2.767
- Cromwell EUR REIT (16,000 units) @ EUR0.42
- Tuan Sing (19,000 units) @ $0.31
- IWDA (11 units) @ US$66.75

We received some dividends from CCB and BOC and decided to average down and buy more shares. Their share price have fallen further as bad debt/loans rise due to COVID-19. We decided to take shares instead of cash for Capitaland dividends. 

Decided to buy more Cromwell EUR REIT using leverage after news that it will be investing in data centres. All the data centres REITs are trading at a premium valuation so I am guessing the same will happen once it is confirmed. Tuan Sing recently sold Robinson Point for $500 million and will be realizing a gain of $128.3 million. Its current PB is 0.325 and is severely undervalued. We are averaging down after buying it 2 years ago at $0.42.

I have "force" myself to buy $1,000 SGD worth of IWDA. We have decided to set some rules for the monthly IWDA investment:
- Current average price: $58.391
- If the market price is above our average price, buy $1,000
- If the market price is below our average price, buy $2,000
- Must buy by last trading day of the month

As an introduction, IWDA (iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF) is an accumulating (does not distribute dividends) world ETF managed passively by iShares. This has multiple purposes:
1. Capital Growth - Determine if simply buying a diversified world ETF will outperform StashAway/Endowus
2. Leverage Collateral - It has 70% LTV which will increase eventually increase our ability to borrow more or prevent a margin call

Anyway, IWDA is highly recommended by ShinyThings from HWZ. You can refer to this summarized version here.

On a side note, we can invest in such a small amount because there's no minimum commission for SCB priority customers which makes our investment very cost-effective.

I have also decided to increase my SRS contribution to $1,480 per month with the intention of maxing it by year-end.

Our Monthly DCA for August - $4,230
$1,000 Cash - StashAway Risk Index 22%
$740  KPO's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 36%
$250 CZM's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 14%
$740 KPO's SRS - Endowus Loss Tolerance -60%
$1,000 Cash - Syfe REIT+ (100% REIT)
$500 Cash - Syfe Equity100 (100% Equities)

The total dividends collected this month is $4,432.51. The breakdown is as follows:

Company PayDate Shares Total
Bank of China Ltd. - Ordinary Shares - Class H 7-Aug-20 19000 HKD 3579.39
Singapore Telecommunications Limited 18-Aug-20 4000 $218.00
SPH REIT 18-Aug-20 23.2 $0.11
Capitaland Limited 20-Aug-20 10000 $1,200.00
Soilbuild Business Space REIT 21-Aug-20 30000 $223.50
STI ETF 25-Aug-20 22500 $1,327.50
Ascendas India Trust - Units 26-Aug-20 29.95 $1.38
Wilmar International Limited 27-Aug-20 2000 $80.00
CDL Hospitality Trusts 27-Aug-20 1856.3 $28.02
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust  27-Aug-20 5168.1 $79.22
Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust 27-Aug-20 130.67 $9.49
Starhill Global Real Estate Investment Trust 28-Aug-20 15600 $109.20
Ascott Residence Trust  28-Aug-20 23048 $241.29
CapitaLand Commercial Trust 28-Aug-20 2205.4 $73.65
CapitaLand Mall Trust 28-Aug-20 9974.7 $210.46
Keppel REIT 28-Aug-20 94.48 $1.32

Total dividends collected for 2020: $14,147.37
Average dividends per month for 2020: $1,768.42




Capital: $39,190‬.00
Current: $‭‭‭‭46,900.16

If you are interested in StashAway, do use our referral link. You get $10,000 free management fees for 6 months and we will get $16!

If you want to extract those transactions information from StashAway, do take a look at this article - StashAway Transactions Parser.


Capital: $8,190.00
Current: $‭‭‭8,588.83

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too!


Capital: $5,200.00
Current: $‭‭‭6,417.36

If you are interested in signing up, do use our referral code (KPOBONUS) for some cash incentive! Invests $500 and more and we will receive a $10 bonus each. Invests $10,000 and more and we will receive a $50 bonus each. Invests $20,000 and more, we will receive a $100 bonus each!

If you want to extract those transactions information from Syfe, do take a look at this article - Syfe Transactions Parser.

You might be interested in these blog posts too:
Portfolio Performance in 2019
2019 Net Worth
Portfolio - December 2019 - $463,297
Portfolio - January 2020 - $455,071
Portfolio - February 2020 - $442,216
Portfolio - March 2020 - $415,071
Portfolio - April 2020 - $459,037
Portfolio - May 2020 - $470,665
Portfolio - June 2020 - $502,313
Portfolio - July 2020 - $487,135
- Portfolio - August 2020 - $525,857

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)