$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Cheapest Electricity Plan - SP Group Wholesale Electricity Part 2


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cheapest Electricity Plan - SP Group Wholesale Electricity Part 2

Note: SP Group Wholesale Electricity No Longer The Cheapest Plan

In my previous article, I shared my last 3 months of electricity bills then (Feb, Mar and Apr 2020) to show that the SP Group Wholesale Electricity plan is probably the cheapest electricity plan available. This is a continuation of that article by sharing the more recent statements too.

May 2020

298.45 kWh - $35.90 which translate to 12.02 cents/kWh

June 2020

274.86 kWh - $33.59 which translate to 12.22 cents/kWh

July 2020

253.32 kWh - $31.62 which translate to 12.48 cents/kWh

August 2020

307.68 kWh - $42.10 which translate to 13.68 cents/kWh

September 2020

268.71 kWh - $36.73 which translate to 13.67 cents/kWh

October 2020

269.73 kWh - $39.01 which translate to 14.46 cents/kWh

November 2020

288.19 kWh - $43.43 which translate to 15.07 cents/kWh

December 2020

223.58 kWh - $36.42 which translate to 16.29 cents/kWh

Again, the above are just rough estimates as I included other fees such as GST, meter reading, etc. The more accurate way is to remove them and compute but it is already lower even when I included those miscellaneous fees. You can decide for yourself :)

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  1. i'm with iswitch now. my contract end at end Dec 2020. Any idea need to give advance notice to Iswitch like 1 or 2 months before my contract due?

    1. Hi Xersion,

      I have no idea man. Best to check with them directly.

  2. Hope you can continue to post the monthly rate at least untill end of this year as the electricity rate for this quarter has increased, curious to see the % increase for whole sale rate too.


    1. Hi tcs,

      Sure, I can try to do that. Just updated the post with the latest September bill :)

  3. Hello are you using the new meter or still on old meter? Wondering if it is necessary to change to new meter if we switch to wholesale plan. Thanks!

    1. Hi waikuan,

      I am still using the old/default meter. If I remember correctly, there's some additional cost to switch the meter so I didn't do that.
