$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - November 2020


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Portfolio - November 2020

We have achieved another of our goal last month - 1 Million Combined Net Worth By Age 30 when the market recovered/shot up once news of the vaccine came out. Another thing to look forward to this month - Baby Ong will be coming out anytime soon!

Our portfolio has reached another new high! It increased by 12.73% to $639,606 - $3,915.78 of capital injection and $68,315.98 of capital gain. This includes $52,574 of leverage/debt (gearing ~8.96%).

If you prefer to look at numbers, this is the raw data used to generate the above bar graph. These numbers are as of the last day of the month.

"Cash Flow" is the amount of money being injected/withdrawn from the portfolio (buying stocks = +ve cash flow while selling stocks and collecting dividends = -ve cash flow)

- None

- iShares Hang Seng Tech ETF (300 units) @ HK$16.78

We did not buy anything for a couple of reasons. The main one is we need to save up for CZM and Baby Ong hospitalization/delivery fees this month. The stocks didn't look as attractive after the market went up so much. We did not buy IWDA because it is at an all-time high. Yes, I am timing the market but I just couldn't help it. Maybe buy $2,000 worth this month?

Another interesting new addition to our portfolio is the iShares Hang Seng Tech ETF (3067). There are a couple of ETFs that is tracking the Hang Seng Tech Index and we chose iShares simply because it has the lowest fee/expense ratio. You can take a look at this article for more information - Hang Seng Tech Index ETF - Which one to buy?

I have also decided to increase my SRS contribution to $1,480 per month with the intention of maxing it by year-end.

Our Monthly DCA for October - $4,230
$1,000 Cash - StashAway Risk Index 22%
$740  KPO's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 36%
$250 CZM's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 14%
$740 KPO's SRS - Endowus Loss Tolerance -60%
$1,000 Cash - Syfe REIT+ (100% REIT)
$500 Cash - Syfe Equity100 (100% Equities)

The total dividends collected this month is $1,996.30. The breakdown is as follows:

Company                                                     PayDate          Shares         Total
ARA LOGOS Logistics Trust              27-Nov-20     101.677 $2.14
Mapletree Commercial Trust                      27-Nov-20     2836.997 $118.30
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust           25-Nov-20     11237.969 $207.67
Soilbuild Business Space REIT              20-Nov-20     30000         $330.00
SPH REIT                                              20-Nov-20     73.37         $0.39
GuocoLand Ltd.                                      19-Nov-20     9000         $540.00
CapitaLand Commercial Trust              19-Nov-20     2911.87 $74.54
CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust   19-Nov-20     18126.851 $723.26

Total dividends collected for 2020: $19,322.53
Average dividends per month for 2020: $1,756.59




Capital: $45,160‬.00
Current: $‭‭‭‭53,451.58

If you are interested in StashAway, do use our referral link. You get $10,000 free management fees for 6 months and we will get $16!

If you want to extract those transactions information from StashAway, do take a look at this article - StashAway Transactions Parser.


Capital: $10,410.00
Current: $11,324.92

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too!


Capital: $9,700.00
Current: $‭‭‭11,227.63

New Syfe customers will have their first $30,000 managed free for 6 months when they use our new referral code (KPOCZM). We will be receiving a $10 cash incentive for our portfolio if you invest $500 or more.

If you want to extract those transactions information from Syfe, do take a look at this article - Syfe Transactions Parser.

You might be interested in these blog posts too:
Portfolio Performance in 2019
2019 Net Worth
Portfolio - December 2019 - $463,297
Portfolio - January 2020 - $455,071
Portfolio - February 2020 - $442,216
Portfolio - March 2020 - $415,071
Portfolio - April 2020 - $459,037
Portfolio - May 2020 - $470,665
Portfolio - June 2020 - $502,313
Portfolio - October 2020 - $567,374 
- Portfolio - November 2020 - $639,606

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)


  1. congrats!

    tbh, i didnt buy iwda too! for obvious reasons like you..haha.. its hard to take the emotions out when doing manual DCA!

    1. Hahaha. Yes, almost impossible. I can continue with the robo because I'm not looking at the price of the stocks when they are buying. Otherwise, it just doesn't feel right to be buying at all time high.

  2. Hi there, you are such and inspiration to me :). Do you mind sharing the key fundamental and technical ratio that you will looking at when analysing stocks?

    1. Hi octopus,

      Thanks! We mainly look at PB, PE and dividend yield vs their historical mean/average. Apparently, these don't seem to apply for the US market. Everything looks so expensive/trading at high valuation in the US ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
