$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - October 2018


Monday, November 5, 2018

Portfolio - October 2018

The global markets have been in red for the past few weeks and our portfolio was not spared. At one point in time, our portfolio even went all time red/negative after investing since 2015. In such a scenario, it would have been better if we simply left the money in a bank account. At the very least, the capital will be intact and the interest collected over the years will definitely beat the below performance. lol.

We have a friend that lost his confidence and has stopped investing totally. Nothing right/wrong about it, just different risk profile/appetite.

The thing about investing is that it is not linear and there will be volatility. You cannot invest with the mentality that you will be making money all the way (at least not when you first started). However, given a long enough time (20 years?), the portfolio should be resilient enough such that it will become forever positive. I blogged about something similar here - Portfolio - March 2018.

The most important thing is not to let your investment affect your daily life - life goes on! So what have we been up to? We were busy planning for our USA honeymoon! Interested to read about fine dining in the air - Singapore Airlines Suites - Book the Cook. We also booked a Ford Mustang Convertible for our road trip :)

I have just purchased a new PS4 game - Dragon Quest XI | Echoes of an Elusive Age. I stopped playing Monster Hunter nearer to our wedding and now that I am back, no one plays it anymore. lol. Dragon Quest is like one of my childhood game too. Regardless, you get the point, we are not affected by the market volatility. Alright, back to our portfolio update :)

Our portfolio decrease by 1.75% to $348,378 - $16,293.36 of capital injection and $22,483.32 of capital loss. The one in blue is the StashAway portfolio, green is SGX and the total is in black.

If you prefer to look at numbers, this is the raw data used to generate the above bar graph. These numbers are as of the last day of the month.


- Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF (1,000 units) @ $0.967
- Accordia Golf Trust (5,000 units) @ $0.525
- OUE (1,000 units) @ $1.470
- ThaiBev (1,000 units) @ $0.635
- DBS (400 units) @ $24.38

We bought 1,000 units of Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF as part of our new strategy - New Singapore Budget, New REIT Strategy!

We sold OUE Commercial REITs last month and merely redeploy the amount back to the market by averaging down what we already owned. Hence, the relatively small/random amount in OUE and ThaiBev.

We decided to enter DBS because it has changed its dividend policy and has pledged $1.20 per annual going forward. At our entry price, that will mean our dividend yield on cost would be around 4.9%. Something we are pretty comfortable with for a blue chip with a very solid dividend record - increasing almost year on year. In addition, a rising rate environment is beneficial to the banks. We were contemplating between STI ETF and DBS and thought that DBS seems to be more attractive now.

The total dividends collected this month is $1,034.20. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
Parkway Life Real Estate Investment Trust C2PU 31-Oct-18 2,000 $64.60
First Real Estate Investment Trust AW9U 30-Oct-18 4,109 $152.85
GuocoLand Ltd F17 30-Oct-18 3,000 $630.00
Soilbuild Business Space REIT SV3U 23-Oct-18 15,000 $186.75

Total dividends collected for 2018: $12,031.58
Average dividends per month for 2018: $1,203.15

Woots! We have finally achieved one of our goals - $1000 per month of passive income!


Capital: $13,000
Current: $13,003.61 (IRR: 0.1%)
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  1. Hmmmm quite a few people I know have made moves for AGT. #justsaying

    1. Hahaha. I notice that too. Guess the yield/discount to NAV is attractive enough for people to buy despite the uncertainty...
