$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - January 2022


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Portfolio - January 2022

Happy CNY and Valentine's Day to everyone!

The monthly update took much longer because Baby Ong fell really sick and I was thinking of taking a break from blogging. She started having running nose and fever the night before the eve of CNY. We ART-ed her the next morning (fortunately it was negative/less headache) and quickly brought her to see a PD before the PHs. She kept waking up in the middle of the night and we barely had much sleep. When she was recovering, it spread to both of us and we fell sick too >.<"

As for myself, I feel that I am constantly not having enough time and our portfolio has grown so much that it might no longer be realistic/motivating for our readers. Anyway, I will be changing the format slightly to focus more on our passive income given that CZM has tendered and will be retiring early. lol.

With the success of our crypto portfolio, we decided to off-ramp some crypto profits and have taken back our initial capital (whatever remaining are just profits!). The plan was to buy some branded stuff for our parents and CZM but no one wanted it -.-" In the end, we just gave our parents a much bigger than usual red packet, insisted and bought CZM an LV bag and bought lots of REITs. If you are wondering how to off-ramp, you can either send UST to Kucoin/Binance then swap to either USDC/BUSD and send them to FTX and withdraw as USD fiat to DBS (I tried to send USD to Standard Chartered but was unsuccessful).


Total: $2,307,446
Leverage/Debt: $350,245
Gearing: 17.90%

Our Passive Income - Dividends

Dividends for this month: $1,630.42
Total dividends collected for 2022: $1,630.42
Average dividends per month for 2022: $1,630.42

Our Passive Income - Anchor Earn

Interest for this month: US$3,598 (~SSG$4,840)
Total interest collected for 2022: $4,840
Average interest per month for 2022: $4,840

Total passive income for this month: $6,470.42
Total passive income collected for 2022: $6,470.42
Average passive income per month for 2022: $6,470.42

We bought CICT, MCT, MLT, MIT, Ascendas REIT and iShares HK Tech ETF last month which was worth ~300k in total. ~200k from crypto profit and ~100k from leverage/borrowing. With that, our stocks portfolio is now worth ~1.3m in total or ~1m without leverage. Interestingly, the debt we incurred from buying stocks is now more than our HDB mortgage/debt. An indirect way of owning second property!

If you are interested in the smart portfolio tracker (StocksCafe) which I am using as shown above, sign up using my link for a longer trial period :) Refer to our Referrals page for more information.


Capital: $49,240.00
Current: $53,783.48

I decided to invest my CPF OA a few months back and blog about it here - Investing CPF OA Through Endowus. I moved my SRS investment that was with StashAway to Endowus and invested another $10k from CPF OA given that it is a new year and the market was red.

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too! This access fee has no expiry date.

Last month has been quite crazy as LUNA price fell around 50% since reaching its all-time high last year. If you are wondering, we are no longer crypto millionaires for the month of January. So short-lived. lol. As LUNA price fell, I was at risk of liquidation on multiple occasions and Kevin/Turtle Investor even messaged me on Twitter.

I guess that's the benefit of having our address public? Lots of people were monitoring for us. Hahaha. Anyway, we were almost liquidated twice on Anchor and I had to "borrow" CZM's retirement fund from Anchor to lower my liquidation price. It just happened that I opened a leverage position (with a capital of US$7k) on FTX for LUNA a few days before and that got liquidated. The annoying thing was that I thought my collateral was just USD but it turns out that my RUNE was also included and now I own 0 RUNE. CZM had a nightmare that night >.<" I guess I will cut down on my borrow for her to sleep better in the future. I also promised her to never leverage on exchange ever again.

On the bright side, January gave us an opportunity to accumulate a lot more LUNA. We now have slightly over 10k LUNA and I am secretly hoping this will propel us to the next milestone we never thought was possible before investing in crypto - an 8 digits portfolio. I have also decided to diversify out of Terra and bought some ATOM (600+) and OSMO (2.2k+).

Anyway, you can refer to our Terra portfolio on Ape Board below for a more detailed breakdown:

Anyway, I have blogged about different ways to leverage crypto to build wealth for people with different risk appetites:

If you are interested in the platform I am using, do sign up using our referral links for some bonus :)
BlockFi: Deposits US$100 or more into your BlockFi Interest Account (BIA), you will earn US$10 in BTC and we will earn US$10 in BTC too.
Celsius Network: Earn US$50 in BTC with your first transfer of US$400 or more and we will earn US$50 in BTC too.
CakeDeFi - Deposits US$50 or more into your CakeDeFi account, you will earn US$30 in DFI and we will earn US$10 in DFI too.
Gemini: We will both receive US$10 of bitcoin after you buy or sell US$100.
Crypto.com: Sign up using our link, stake SG$500 worth of CRO and we both get US$25 in CRO
FTX: We will receive 25.00% of your trading fees and you will receive a 5.00% fee discount on all of your trades.

On a side note, Futu's moomoo app free AAPL share sign-up promotion is back for this month. In addition, you will get another SG$50 cash coupon for using our referral link which is exclusively for our readers! Do read the T&C here for more information. If you have yet to open an account, you can do so using our referral link :)

Accidentally clicked on the annoying ads? Let me thank you in advance as you are indirectly doing good as we will be Donating 100% Ads Revenue Going Forward!

You might be interested in these blog posts too:
2021 Net Worth
Our CPF 2021
Portfolio - December 2021 - $2,100,909
- Portfolio - January 2021 - $2,307,446

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)


  1. Respect and Congrats! Envy your wife for getting out of the rat race!

    1. Hi Cherry,

      Thanks! All the best to you and jia you in getting out too!

  2. Always happy to look out for one another! Esp. when there is Telegram bots (like arbie.app) to automate it :)


    1. Hi Kevin,

      Hahaha. I am using Arbie to track my own position too. Thanks once again!

  3. hi KPO, how do you set up the Anchor Earn for that plump 19% roi?
    any blog entry you have that i can read up ?

    1. Hi foolish chameleon,

      There isn't one. It is pretty easy. You will need a Terra wallet and you can set one up either using the web extension or from the mobile app (Terra Station). You can read their documentation - https://docs.terra.money/docs/learn/terra-station/download/terra-station-desktop.html

      Once you have a Terra wallet, just got to transfer UST in and deposit into Anchor - https://app.anchorprotocol.com/earn

  4. Hi KPO

    Is it better to withdraw SGD via FTX, instead of USD when cashing out? Is there any reason why you are withdrawing USD instead???

    1. Hi Ci2fi,

      It really depends. For withdrawal less than 10k USD, there will be fees charged by FTX. So it makes more sense to withdraw in SGD. For withdrawal more than 10k USD, the FX rate in FTX is actually worst than the banks and that is why I withdrew in USD and convert to SGD through the bank. Those that want to optimize further can even send the USD to IB/moomoo to convert to SGD before sending back to the bank.

  5. Hi KPO

    wanted to check do you take up the anchor protocol insurance against hacking of smart of contract and also for the unpegging of UST? Also wanted to check which wallet you used to connect to the Terra Station, is it via Metamask or through a Ledger which may be safer?

    1. Hi Ben,

      I did not buy any insurance for Anchor because I do not see the need to (in my opinion, those risks are minimum/extremely unlikely to happen) and I have a much higher risk appetite. If it lets you sleep better, then just go ahead.

      Just to be clear, Metamask doesn't work for Terra. I am using ledger and Terra Station. Ledger is safer because your private key isn't exposed but at the end of the day, the weakest link will always be the user. Just don't get phished or approve contracts that you are not familiar with what it is doing.

  6. hi - long time fan of your page

    i have been tracking your blog for some time. glad i came across it as it gave much needed perspective to finance. i previously bought cryto too but drop as i do not have time to track and work on it. currently only holding Cardano

    Anyway - would like to seek you advice - what platform do you use to buy for your dividends? will be using stockscafe- but would like to find out how to make smart decisions and analyze - any advice?

    1. Hi Nigel,

      Glad that you enjoyed our blog. You should definitely explore crypto more, especially the decentralized part then you will know why I sold all my Cardano last year. I can only say there are better coins! lol.

      Not sure if you are asking about buying stocks or tracking them but I am using SCB online trading account to buy and StocksCafe to track. StocksCafe definitely makes tracking a lot easier and I have not find anything better than it (or rather I stopped looking since I started using).

  7. thanks for the reply -hope you are recovering - having kids myself i am aware how they build our own immune systems by bringing other pathogens from other places, lol

    My risk appetite has definitely changed over the past years and right now i have lesser time to explore cryto at the moment (the technology for it really changed so fast! -theres so many options now). I mostly just put my investments in Endowus nowadays but planning to go into dividends stock for long term

    Thus asking for some advice on the thought analysis for buying dividends - like how you started and how you do your due diligence- couldnt find any history on your Xmen origins ;) I will be using Stockscafe to screen

    1. Hi Nigel,

      Thanks! Unfortunately, I am still having headache with more health issues :(

      I guess you got to go read the articles in the initial years of the blog before I started leveraging or getting into crypto. In short, I used to read annual reports, various bloggers' analysis, etc. before buying stocks but nowadays I just buy the same few blue chip REITs (e.g. Capitaland or Mapletree REITs). Like you mentioned, my risk appetite has changed - stocks/REITs are relatively boring to me and I buy those stocks because I can pledge them as collateral to borrow/leverage more.

      Basically, there is 0 research/due diligence in my stocks purchases since I got into crypto. lol.
