$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Syfe - December 2020


Monday, January 25, 2021

Syfe - December 2020

After using Syfe for slightly more than 8 months, I really like their REIT+ 100% portfolio. Like I mentioned previously, I am pleased with the way they are handling the corporate actions. They are definitely more transparent as compared to a REIT ETF where you will be able to see all the corporate actions such as mergers, rights issues, etc. in your transactions. The monthly DCA ensure that I will always invest my money by taking my emotion out of the picture. I stopped investing in IWDA and 3067 a few months back because I thought the price was high but now they are much higher. Anyway, I am not too impressed with the Equity100 portfolio (explained below) as well as their inaccurate display issue (please stop using 2 decimal places). Hopefully Syfe will be able to fix the inaccuracy issue in 2021. Fingers crossed :) 

Our Syfe Portfolio
Composition: 100% REITs
Dividend: Reinvest
Monthly Investment: $1,000

Composition: 100% Equities
Dividend: Reinvest
Monthly Investment: $500

Account Statement (Lifetime)

Our current tier is Blue (<$20,000). This is determined by the size of the portfolio (currently $13,129.55) which in turn determines the fees to be charged. The statement lifetime return is $1,929.55 which includes a $1,220 referral bonus. The actual lifetime return would be $709.55. Thanks to our readers for using our code!

Account Statement (November 2020)

The return for the month is $374.30 which includes a $0 referral bonus. 

As of 22 January 2021, this is our portfolio performance:

Capital: $8,500.00
Current: $10,123.51 (24.71% - return is skewed due to referrals)

Capital: $3,200.00
Current: $3,884.63 (44.70% - return is skewed due to referrals)

Transaction Breakdown

There are too many so I will just share a snippet. Anyway, if you want to extract the transaction information from Syfe, do take a look at this article - Syfe Transactions Parser. Anyway, the parser will not work for the Equity100 and Global ARI portfolio when there are small transactions (<0.01). You can refer to this for more information - Syfe - July 2020. The parser will work if Syfe is willing to change its UI and display more decimal places...

REIT+ 100%


After parsing them into a csv file, I pivoted the data to get the following view.

Management Fee

The management fee can be obtained by $11,826.70 x 0.65% / 366 * 31 ~ $6.47.

In my opinion, the return captured by StocksCafe will be a more accurate representation of our portfolio return as the referral bonuses are treated as capital. Having said that, I can also understand why Syfe treats them as a return instead of a deposit too. Just a different perspective. 

REIT+ 100%

Anyway, looking at the time-weighted return (17.24%) for 2020, we can see that Syfe REIT+ 100% is outperforming STI ETF (including fees) but underperforming when compared against SPY or IWDA. In addition, if we were to look at the projected dividends till the end of the year based on the existing investment, we can expect $334.23 of dividends or $27.85 per month. Since the dividends >> fees, this is a pretty sustainable portfolio assuming if there's no capital loss.


Interestingly, this is one of the rare times one would see STI outperforming all the other benchmarks. Unfortunately, the time-weighted return is just (8.34%) for 2020 losing to all the indexes. In addition, if we were to look at the volatility and max drawdown, the Equity100 is riskier but not performing better than STI. A huge contrast when we compare it against StashAway's portfolio which diversifies across different assets. Having said that, we have only invested in Equity100 for a very short period of time (since Aug 2020). I will continue to monitor and decide if we should continue with this.

New Syfe customers will have their first $30,000 managed free for 6 months when they use our new referral code (KPOCZM). We will be receiving a $10 cash incentive for our portfolio if you invest $500 or more.

If you are interested in the smart portfolio tracker (StocksCafe) which I am using as shown above, sign up using my link for a longer trial period :) Refer to our Referrals page for more information.

You might be interested in previous months update too:
Syfe REIT+ (100%) Review
Syfe - May 2020 - $1,135.43
Syfe - June 2020 - $2,558.58
Syfe - July 2020 - $3,872.68
Syfe - August 2020 - $6,260.30
Syfe - September 2020 - $8,019.86
Syfe - October 2020 - $9,029.29
Syfe - November 2020 - $11,255.26
- Syfe - December 2020 - $13,129.55

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)


  1. Hi. What is your ROI for Syfe Equity 100 without referrals?

    1. Hi KC,

      Refer to the StocksCafe screenshot. The time-weighted return for our portfolio is 8.34% for 2020 and 11.26% overall. Just to be clear, the portfolio performance will vary based on multiple factors such as FX rate, time/date when one chooses to invest and the price of the underlying ETFs.
