$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Bye Bye Syfe!


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Bye Bye Syfe!

I was going to blog more on Aave after my previous article but I decided this update should take priority although it is less interesting as compared to DeFi. I have decided to close the Syfe REIT+ account too after closing the Equity100 a few months back.

Don't be mistaken, I still like the REIT+ portfolio like what I have blogged about previously here. Let me just share/quote myself here:
After using Syfe for slightly more than 8 months, I really like their REIT+ 100% portfolio. Like I mentioned previously, I am pleased with the way they are handling the corporate actions. They are definitely more transparent as compared to a REIT ETF where you will be able to see all the corporate actions such as mergers, rights issues, etc. in your transactions. The monthly DCA ensure that I will always invest my money by taking my emotion out of the picture. I stopped investing in IWDA and 3067 a few months back because I thought the price was high but now they are much higher.

If you are a new investor looking to invest in SG REITs but do not know where to start, I believe Syfe REIT+ portfolio will be suitable and in fact better than the REIT ETF based on my own experience. However, I am not a new investor and I am just someone who is lazy and lack the discipline to follow our DCA plans. I am closing it simply because I need/want more capital and to take control of my REITs investment.

I am not going crazy, diverting 100% of my money into crypto but I will admit my experience/exposure to the crypto world did affect my decision partially. I still love REITs and the dividends/passive income I can get from it but I realized what I really love is the ability to leverage, to make your money work doubly hard. Whatever money I invest in Syfe, is stuck in Syfe. However, if the same money is invested through SCB, I can pledge it and get 70% more as an overdraft.

Screenshot taken from SGAG

When Singapore announced stricter measures last Friday, I decided to close Syfe after discussing with CZM in order to get more capital to whack one of the reputable REITs - Capitaland, Mapletree, Ascendas, etc. Unfortunately, the market has recovered much faster than expected but you get the idea. I am closing REIT+ to buy one/a few of the REITs.

On the leverage part, I know there will probably be this group of people thinking whatever I am doing is crazy and probably can't wait to see me crash and burn. Warren Buffett is one of them, just google for his quotes on leverage. Hahaha. 

Overall Position

Aave/Crypto Position (leverage on leverage. lol)

At the end of the day, it is all calculated risks and I have a lot of spreadsheets doing that to ensure I will never get a margin call. Once I am able to manage that risk, I will be making money using money that doesn't belong to me. Shiok! Take a look at these articles:

Actually, now that I think about it, leverage is somewhat like crypto. People that do not understand it will simply brush it aside/dismiss it. Having said that, I do understand that different people have very different risk appetite and mine is definitely on the high side. As usual, I am not recommending everyone/anyone to use leverage. I am merely sharing what we are doing to build wealth. If you do plan to use it after reading any of my articles, it is your decision and your own responsibility to ensure you do not lose money. Huat ah!

Given that we are no longer using Syfe, I will also stop sharing our referral code. If you are looking to invest, ask your friends for theirs :)

On a side note, Futu's moomoo app attractive sign-up bonus (one free Apple Share besides other benefits) has been extended to 31st May 2021 (1500hr SGT)! Take a look at the latest benefits here.

You might be interested in previous months update too:
Syfe REIT+ (100%) Review
Syfe - December 2020 - $13,129.55
Syfe - January 2021 - $14,748.08
Syfe - February 2021 - $15,531.26
Syfe - March 2021 - $16,600.89
- Bye Bye Syfe! - $17,771.61

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)


  1. Hi, understand that you are not buying IWDA anymore due to the high price, at this point of time, will you be looking at other similar index to replace IWDA?

    I also have syfe reits+ but I'm also considering buying individual reits..

    1. Hi HM,

      Probably not the answer you are expecting but I will be using the allocated capital for IWDA and Syfe to enter crypto instead. Hahahaha.
