$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - May 2020


Monday, June 1, 2020

Portfolio - May 2020

Time to share the good news! CZM is pregnant and the estimated date of delivery (EDD) is the first week of December! We were pretty surprised when we first found out and even took 2 pregnancy tests on different days just to double confirm. lol. All of a sudden, we had to start researching and read up on various pregnancy related things. Information overloaded! It is also very fascinating to witness and follow the growth of the baby. This has become our favorite site - What to Expect. Honestly, we don't even feel like we are ready to be parents but I guess we will manage it somehow. Lots of expenses coming up but our journey to financial freedom shall not stop! Hahahaha.

Baby Ong at week 10/11

Our portfolio reached a new high for the year with an increase of 2.53% to $470,665 - $2,291.10 of capital injection and $9,337.18 of capital gain. This includes $29,369 of leverage/debt (gearing ~6.7%).

If you prefer to look at numbers, this is the raw data used to generate the above bar graph. These numbers are as of the last day of the month.

"Cash Flow" is the amount of money being injected/withdrawn from the portfolio (buying stocks = +ve cash flow while selling stocks and collecting dividends = -ve cash flow)

Leverage decreases because the dividends from some of the stocks that were pledged were automatically transferred/paid back to the overdraft account.


- IWDA (12 units) @ US$57.60

Similar to last month's update, it still didn't feel right to buy anything but I have "force" myself to buy $1,000 SGD worth of IWDA. We have also decided to set some rules for the monthly IWDA investment:
- If the market price is above our average price, buy $1,000
- If the market price is below our average price, buy $2,000
- Must buy by last trading day of the month

As an introduction, IWDA (iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF) is an accumulating (does not distribute dividends) world ETF managed passively by iShares. This has multiple purposes:
1. Capital Growth - Determine if simply buying a diversified world ETF will outperform StashAway/Endowus
2. Leverage Collateral - It has 70% LTV which will increase eventually increase our ability to borrow more or prevent a margin call

Anyway, IWDA is highly recommended by ShinyThings from HWZ. You can refer to this summarized version here.

I have also decided to increase my SRS contribution to $1,400 per month with the intention of maxing it by year-end.

Monthly DCA - $3,150
$500 Cash - StashAway Risk Index 22%
$700 KPO's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 36%
$250 CZM's SRS - StashAway Risk Index 14%
$700 KPO's SRS - Endowus Loss Tolerance -60%
$1,000 Cash - Syfe REIT+ (100% REIT)

The total dividends collected this month is $1,293.13. The breakdown is as follows:

Company PayDate Shares Total
SSB May 2018 1-May-20 500 $4.87
Soilbuild Business Space REIT - Units 22-May-20 30,000 $264.89
DBS Group Holdings Ltd 26-May-20 900 $597.00
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust - Units 28-May-20 5,000 $88.00
Frasers Commercial Trust - Units 28-May-20 9,000 $249.22
Mapletree Commercial Trust 29-May-20 2,500 $22.75
Parkway Life Real Estate Investment Trust - Units 29-May-20 2,000 $66.40

Total dividends collected for 2020: $6,205.88
Average dividends per month for 2020: $1,241.18




Capital: $33,200‬.00
Current: $‭‭‭‭37,298.07

If you are interested in StashAway, do use our referral link. You get $10,000 free management fees for 6 months and we will get $16!

If you want to extract those transactions information from StashAway, do take a look at this article - StashAway Transactions Parser.


Capital: $5,950
Current: $‭‭‭5,797

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too!


Capital: $1,000.00
Current: $‭‭‭1,135.43

If you are interested in signing up, do use our referral code (KPOBONUS) for some cash incentive! Invests $500 and more and we will receive a $10 bonus each. Invests $10,000 and more and we will receive a $50 bonus each. Invests $20,000 and more, we will receive a $100 bonus each!

If you want to extract those transactions information from Syfe, do take a look at this article - Syfe Transactions Parser.

You might be interested in these blog posts too:
Portfolio Performance in 2019
2019 Net Worth
Portfolio - December 2019 - $463,297
Portfolio - January 2020 - $455,071
Portfolio - February 2020 - $442,216
Portfolio - March 2020 - $415,071
Portfolio - April 2020 - $459,037
- Portfolio - May 2020 - $470,665

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)
4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)


  1. Congratulations KPO and CZM on your little bundle of joy!

  2. congrats! no symptoms during the almost 3 months? haha

    1. Thanks! Haha. Of course there were. CZM was no longer a CZM, no appetite from week 7/8 till the last 2 weeks. Even if eat a bit also vomit. Back aching and will get giddy too.

  3. btw, which broker are you using to buy IWDA?

    1. We are using SCB to buy and because we are priority customer, it is very cost effective (no minimum commission). The total fees we are paying is just 0.2% commission + 7% GST on the commission.

      Example, 12 units of IWDA at $57.60 - the fee is just $1.48. I know most people will use the IB route but there's a $10 activity fee monthly if account is below $100k. That's why we stick with SCB.

    2. i actually forgotten all about SCB-P. haha.
      tested it with 12 unit of IWDA. the displayed fee is the actual fee? mine shows $5 +?

    3. Haha. I know what you are looking at. So the displayed fee is NOT the actual fee. The $5+ includes stamp duty but during settlement, you will see the amount deducted from your account is lesser (without the stamp duty, hence $1+ only).

    4. hah! lets see when the transaction comes in.
      so whats the stamp duty for? abit misleading

    5. Just another form of taxation for the UK government? For all other stocks listed on LSE, one will have to pay for it. Anyway, this has also been discussed in HWZ.

      Taken from HWZ - https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/stocks-shares-indices-92/iwda-etf-one-best-etf-5781627-60.html

      No. ETFs on LSE are NOT subject to stamp duty.

      The trade confirmation on SCB has a display bug showing stamp duty, but it won't be charged when the trade settles.

  4. Replies
    1. just got the contract note! yup! stamp duty is not deducted! haha..

      btw, what are your thoughts on IWDA and VWRA? both are global. the expoursure is slightly difference. any reason why you choose one over the other?

    2. Yes, SCB is very cost effective for priority customer.

      Same same but different? lol. I think what's important is to invest as early as possible and stay invested.

      Kyith blogged about it in detail just yesterday - https://investmentmoats.com/passive-investing-2/iwda-versus-vwra-significant-performance-differences/
