$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Advance Inspection - Post Renovation Defects Check

Monday, January 6, 2020

Advance Inspection - Post Renovation Defects Check

In my previous post here - Advance Inspection - Residential Inspection, I talked about our experience with the residential inspection i.e. pre-reno defects check. After BSC rectified all the major issues, we started with our house renovation. Honestly, we did not expect so many hiccups with our reno as we have done a lot of due diligence including checking online reviews, meeting up with the IDs several times to discuss on the designs/quotations as well as requesting to visit existing works. We have done everything that most people have advised. Even so, not everything went smoothly. You can read more about our reno horror story here - Renovation Cost for Our New House. Fortunately, we heeded ur parents' advice to who told us that we die die have to withhold at least 10% of the final amount until all rectification works are done. Prior to the start of work, we have also given our ID a heads up that we have engaged Advance Inspection to perform the post-reno defects check, and we will not transfer the final amount until all defects are rectified satisfactorily. Our ID agreed.

Unlike the pre-reno defects check, there is only one visit for the post-reno defects check (or you can top up extra for each additional visit). The inspector came and inspected everything relating to our reno works, including carpentry, electrical points (those extra points which we requested during electrical works), network data point, hollow tiles, etc. basically everything else which was related to renovation works. The whole defects check took a few hours as well. During the inspection, we noted a few major issues - our tiles were mostly hollow (especially at the skirting), a few chips/holes in the floor grout (we paid a premium for marble gum polishing btw), chipped tiles in the toilets, warping of carpentry.

We weren't expecting so many major issues since we did request our ID to rectify a few items prior to the inspection already. In fact, it appeared generally okay from a layman point of view and I have even asked KPO to move in a week before the inspection started, thinking that there would not be any major issue. Imagine our horror when we realized that our ID will need to remove/drill the tiles and re-tile them! Carpentry warping is another headache as we realized that our cupboards cannot close fully as the ends of the cupboard tend to be slanted. Our inspector explained that warping is a common thing over time as Singapore is generally humid hence expansion and contraction of the cupboards occur at different rates which resulted in warping. However, he was surprised that our cupboards warped so fast.

Other cosmetic issues include scratches on the glass panel, holes noted in the carpentry works. Our inspector told us that holes in carpentry are typically a result of drilling and the carpenter should paste a sticker over it so that it looks less unsightly.

On the same night, our inspector emailed us the report with all the findings. We shared it with our ID and requested all the rectification to be done asap. Obviously, he was reluctant and as expected, told us that certain things are meant to be like that. For e.g., both he and the tiler said that hollow tiles are fine and doesn't mean it will definitely drop. To be honest, if we have not engaged Advance Inspection, we may have taken this at face value. However, with the report (and affirmation) from Advance Inspection, it was a lot easier to dispute.

Next, the carpenter and our ID also told us that carpentry warping is inevitable. Similarly, we used the report from Advance Inspection and told them that this was unacceptable given the warping over a relatively short period of time. Eventually, the carpenter removed the carpentry and added reinforcement to resolve the issue.

For the other cosmetic issues such as glass scratches, we also requested for them to be replaced. Our inspector taught us how to inspect glass scratches previously, hence when the new glass panels were installed, we did the checks ourselves. Only after everything was rectified did we make the final payment. We were thankful that we have also engaged Advance Inspection for the post reno defects check. Otherwise, these issues would go undiscovered and possibly resurface a couple of years later and probably a lot more expensive to rectify then. It is also a lot easier to insist on the rectification as it comes from a "professional third party firm" rather than us layman.

Lastly, even until today as I have certain queries relating to house/reno issues, I could still reach out to Advance Inspection and they would respond very quickly to the queries. Hence, for new homeowners, you can consider engaging a third party inspection company to save yourself some headache and reno nightmares.

If you would like to engage Advance Inspection too, do use our referral/promo code - AISG0730. You will be able to get $30 discount and we will get $30 for the referral :) Simply contact them either through mobile/WhatsApp (8748 0988) or email (info@advanceinspection.sg) and quote the code. Do note that it is highly encouraged that you start off with the residential inspection first to avoid future disputes with your ID/developer.

You can also leave a comment below if you have any queries on our reno works.

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  1. That is very useful content and the important thing you put into this article is Glass Scratch issue. I think the best Defects Inspection Service in Singapore provider's helps professionally.
