$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Endowus - June 2020


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Endowus - June 2020

Endowus statement always comes out pretty late around mid/late-mid month and this month seems to be much later. Anyway, I have reached out previously to ask and this was their response if you are wondering the same.

Junxu Lye, Endowus Chief Product Officer
We try to generate monthly statements as soon as we can, and right now it hovers around the 10th to 14th. The reason for this "delay" is because for some of our funds, the dividend payout date is on the last day of the month. Because we reinvest those dividends, our broker has to receive those dividends, put in a buy order, confirm the buy order, and then let us know the final confirmed units. Only after which we can then distribute it back to our clients. If we were to print the monthly statement without those, then we would have to re-print or send out an addendum, which would not be good as the statements would not be final. this is a slightly unique feature of the mutual fund industry (as opposed to say ETFs, where it is an accumulating share class where the funds take care of the reinvestment themselves). No good solution right now (and in the industry) but we are always on the lookout. Hope this helps!

Risk Profile
Goal type: General wealth accumulation
Risk tolerance: Maximise returns (loss tolerance -60%)
Monthly investment using SRS: $700

Account Summary

Capital: $6,650.00
Current: $6,471.66 (-3.88%)

There are quite a few differences as compared to StashAway. Firstly, all the cash has been invested while StashAway keeps 1% of the portfolio in cash. Secondly, the fees are not deducted on a monthly basis. The Access Fee charged by Endowus will be deducted at the end of each quarter as stated in their FAQ.

As of 22 July 2020, the portfolio value is $6,752.81 (+1.55%).

Asset Allocation

This shows that the number of shares for each fund that I owned:
- Dimensional Global Core Equity Fund (109.9920)
- Infinity US 500 Stock Index Fund (1,250.4800)
- Dimensional Emerging Markets Large Cap Core Equity Fund (43.8440)
- Dimensional Pacific Basin Small Companies Fund (38.8150)

It will be great if they actually showed my average price vs the current market price.


Some of the funds have been sold/redeemed to pay for Endowus's fees. The fees are not presented clearly in the statement. I do not see a separate section for it except in the transactions above. Having said that, it is clearer in their web interface.

If we work backward, $3.67 * 4 / 0.004 ~ $3,670 is the invested amount being charged for the first quarter (01 Jan 2020 to 31 Mar 2020) which seems about right.

That's all! Overall, I think the statement is pretty straightforward and easy to read.

If you are interested in Endowus, do use our referral link for our readers! You will get S$10,000 managed free for 6 months ($20 equivalent) and we will get $20 too!

You might be interested in previous months update too:- Endowus CPF/SRS Review
Endowus - January 2020 - $3,692.02
Endowus - February 2020 - $3,704.57
Endowus - March 2020 - $4,153.50
Endowus - April 2020 - $4,849.67
Endowus - May 2020 - $5,797.36
- Endowus - June 2020 - $6,471.66

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