$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - January 2019


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Portfolio - January 2019

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! This is our first CNY and we are no longer on the receiving end. From additional small "income" to huge expense that we got to incur yearly :( We were also debating who should be the one giving out (based on my observation, it is always the "mother/aunt" giving out). lol. On the bright side, the market has recovered so much that we would have met our target based on this month portfolio - Portfolio Performance in 2018.

Our portfolio increase by 6.70% to $376,381 - $728.00 of capital injection and (surprise, surprise!) $22,908.40 of capital gain. The one in blue is the StashAway portfolio, green is SGX and the total is in black.

If you prefer to look at numbers, this is the raw data used to generate the above bar graph. These numbers are as of the last day of the month.

"Cash Flow" is the amount of money being injected/withdrawn from the portfolio (buying stocks = +ve cash flow while selling stocks and collecting dividends = -ve cash flow)



We did not buy or sell anything last month because the "recovery" makes all the stocks look relatively more "expensive". As a result, I did not buy Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF too. CZM is asking why am I trying to time the market >.<"  The $728 capital injection is from our $1,000 monthly investment into StashAway - $272 dividends received from Singtel.

The total dividends collected this month is $936.60. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
CapitaLand Commercial Trust C61U 31-Jan-19 2,000 $88.40
Lion-Phi S-REIT Shs CLR 30-Jan-19 12,000 $253.20
CapitaLand Mall Trust C38U 30-Jan-19 7,000 $109.20
Keppel DC REIT AJBU 29-Jan-19 3,000 $111.00
Soilbuild Business Space REIT SV3U 28-Jan-19 15,000 $217.65
First Real Estate Investment Trust AW9U 23-Jan-19 7,109 $152.85
SSB Jul 2018 GX18070N 1-Jan-19 500 $4.30

Total dividends collected for 2019: $936.60
Average dividends per month for 2019: $936.60


KPO's StashAway Jan 2019 Account Summary
CZM's StashAway Jan 2019 Account Summary

Capital: $16,000.00
Current: $16,051.10

On a side note, one can invest in StashAway using SRS and I have already blogged about our plan - New Strategy: StashAway + Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS)

You might be interested in previous months update too:
Portfolio Performance in 2018

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