$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Expenses - August 2018


Monday, September 17, 2018

Expenses - August 2018

As usual, this should be my last post for the month before our big day! We will be having our 过大礼 (Guo Da Li - GDL) next week and it will be ten ten ten ten before we know it.

Current Profile: 28 years old male planning to get married this year and is still living with his parents

You can read more about how we manage our finances here. Removing our shared expenses which come out of our mutual fund (KPO Expense Fund), my expenses for August would be $3,008.64 - ($1,757.26 / 2) = $2,130.01.

Banquet - We started making monthly installment payments to the hotel in order to avoid the lump sum pain.

GDL - Bought some cakes from Pine Garden. To be exact, 25 boxes of cakes -.-" The most ridiculous part apart from spending hundreds on cakes is that the bride (CZM) is not allowed to eat any of the cakes although she was choosing what she wanted to eat. LOL.

Photography - To save some money, we decided to make our own photo album and 3 12x12" Canvas through Photobook. It was supposed to be cheap until we realized that you cannot ship them in 1 order and had to pay $40+ for shipping. I got to say there are lots of hidden costs. Having said that, it is still slightly cheaper than the others.

Grooming and Others - CZM bought some hair accessory, decorations and suspenders from Carousell.

I previously blogged about my promotion and increment - Salary - You Are Your Best Investment and it was only effective from February so I gave my parents more allowance as well.

This is a fixed monthly cost for the basic coverage - term life and hospitalization.

Attended a wedding at Crowne Plaza Changi.

My food expenses are exceptionally low because I stay with my parents! Most of it is incurred when I am out with CZM. In addition, half the month we were in New Zealand and the food expenses were paid by the family mutual fund.

I would always pay for CZM's cab ride home during night time since I am too lazy to send her home. That was one of our agreement. lol. EZ Link expenses were much higher this month which was probably due to the wedding preparation, hence we have been commuting a lot more apart from work.

Public transportation seems a lot lower because of 2 reasons:
1. I am no longer using EZ Link Auto-Reload. Account-Based Ticketing (ABT) is a much better choice as you pay what you use instead of triggering top up where the money is stored in the EZ Link card. The best part is miles can be earned too (using UOB PRVI Mastercard)!
2. $0.50 Discount for commuters who enter stations before 7.45am on weekdays.
3. Half the month I was in New Zealand driving a rental car. lol

Cab, on the other hand, was exceptionally high because the day when we returned, it was past midnight and had to cab from Changi to the west which cost around $40+

The $69.97 is the installment for Surface Pro which I got about 2 years back.

Others (Vacation, Entertainment, Treat, Gambling, and Investment)
Vacation - Bought some food and drinks during our transit flight

Entertainment - Watched some movie

Treat - Either CZM or colleagues to some hawker food/drinks

Gambling - Bought ToTo, the fastest way to fulfill our millionaire dream

Investment - Commission for buying SSB (our ladder is almost completed! You might want to check this post out if you do not know what I am referring to - DBS Multiplier + SSBs + Joint Account = Higher Interest!)

January 2018 - $2,256.43
February 2018 - $1,759.01
March 2018 - $5,049.79
April 2018 - $1,572.54
May 2018 - $1,863.74
June 2018 - $2,282.07
July 2018 - $2,197.94
August 2018 - $2,130.01

Total expenses for 2018: $19,111.53
Average expenses per month for 2018: $2,388.94

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4. Instagram - KPO_and_CZM (Did you see those delicious food photos to the right --> Unfortunately, you can't see it on mobile.)

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