$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio - March 2018


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Portfolio - March 2018

Our portfolio increase by 2.70% to $323,073 - $10,401.71 of capital injection and $1,914.81 of capital reduction.

Today is another bloodshed, the value of our portfolio decrease by >$5k in a single day. Are we worried? No :) Let me share an old but gold article by the Motley Fool - How You Can Reduce Your Chances Of Making Losses In The Stock Market. Make a guess?

Have a long investing horizon! It seems that some of our readers/friends/colleagues have been demoralized by the market. Numbers do not lie! The probability of losing money in 1 day is almost equivalent to a coin toss. However, based on historical data, there is a 0% chance of losing money if you stay invested in STI for 20 years (1992 to 2016). Just think about why the insurance companies/banks love to sell you long endowment/ILP, it is easy money for them because they just have to share a small return with you while you provide them with the capital!

- Asian Pay TV Trust (5,000 units) @ 0.535
- OKP (5,000 units) @ 0.35

I hardly sell stocks but I made the decisions to liquidate these two and redeploy the money because I believe Tuan Sing will be a better investment.

Asian Pay TV Trust was a "legacy" investment. It was one of the stock which I purchased simply because the dividend yield was high when I first started buying stock in 2014. I was eventually punished as the dividend was unsustainable and the price fell accordingly when the dividend was cut. Fortunately, the dividends collected over the years was sufficient to cover for the capital loss and I ended up with an annualized return of 7.1% after ~4 years.

I bought OKP last year and blogged about it here - StockResearchAsia Strikes Again - OKP Holdings Ltd. The future is slightly unclear for OKP so I have decided to let it go at a loss in order to invest in a better future/stock - Tuan Sing. The annualized return is -10.2%.

- Sysma (10,000 units) @ $0.149
- ThaiBev (4,000 units) @ $0.82
- Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF (2,000 units) @ $0.9995
- Tuan Sing (11,000 units) @ $0.42
- Ascendas H-Trust (6,000 units) @ $0.810

Sysma was brought to my attention by StockResearchAsia. It is currently trading at a discount to its NTA (Net Tangible Assets) with a significant cash! The problem is that it has extremely low volume and wide bid-ask price.

As for the rest, I have blogged about them individually and decided to average down given the weakness in share price.

March is a boring month. The total dividends collected this month is $131.65. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
Asian Pay Television Trust S7OU 14-Mar-18 5,000 $81.25
Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF CLR 2-Mar-18 3,000 $50.40

Total dividends collected for 2018: $2,151.48
Average dividends per month for 2018: $717.16


Capital: $6,000.00
Current: $5,894.64 (IRR: -4.1%)

The UI is slightly misleading, showing green when it is losing money. lol. Took a quick look at our StashAway monthly statement and was pleasantly surprised!

The exchange rate is FINALLY being captured! Good job StashAway founders. Hahahaha.

Health KPO Needs to Lose Weight
Date: 2018-04-04
Weight: 71.3 kg

BMI: 23.8

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  1. Hi KPO,

    How do you all manage to inject 5 digits into your portfolio monthly! Im amazed :O


    1. Hi Cupcake,

      Hahaha. Definitely not every month. Both our savings accounts only have only 4 digits. Next few months will be dry months cause bonus and all used up liao >.<

  2. Wah, why you sell a part of yourself? OKP and KPO are anagrams of each other leh :P

    1. Yeah. You know me! Losing money is small but I lost a part of myself that day when I pressed the sell button...
