$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio Update - February 2018


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Portfolio Update - February 2018

Our portfolio decrease by 0.95% to $314,586 - $7,789.56 of capital injection and $10,810.46 of  capital reduction.

KPO and CZM Portfolio Bar Graph for February 2018

The month ended better than expected, it was definitely much worst before CNY - Red Red Market for Chinese New Year!

- None

No need to panic sell!

- Sheng Siong (2,000 units) @ $0.925
- STI ETF (1,000 units) @ $3.40
- Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF (3,000 units) @ $1.016
- First REIT (109 units) @ $1.3656

Sheng Siong has been one of CZM all-time favorite stock as it is defensive in nature. Regardless of how the economy is doing, we still need food and daily necessities to survive. We last bought Sheng Siong in August 2017 and that was around the time Amazon entered our market. It is evident that the increased competition online did not have much of an impact in Sheng Siong FY 2017 result with EPS increasing by 11.3%! The older generations are still more resistant towards getting grocery online (they think it is not fresh). Having said that, the lack of an online presence is a concern as we have seen how technology has disrupted what used to be a solid cash business such as SPH and Comfort Delgro. Let's see how it goes.

We bought some way overdue STI ETF during the dip/correction. The last time we bought it was in September 2017 @ $3.27 and before that was March 2017 @ $3.14. As you can see, we are not buying it every quarter despite it being one of our goals. It is difficult to DCA without a proper system because when you see the price going higher, you will not want to pay more for the same stuff. You will wait and see/hope that the price drops slightly...

The Singapore Budget 2018 was announced this month and while everyone is talking about the increase in GST, we prefer to talk about the tax transparency that was extended to REIT ETF - New Singapore Budget, New REIT Strategy! With that, we will be making another attempt to do DCA in Lion-Philip S-REIT ETF on a monthly basis.

First REIT had a DRIP (Dividend Re-Investment Plan) where investors can choose to take the cash dividends or take the shares at a discounted rate of $1.3656 (not so much of a discount if we look at it now). The cons of participating in DRIP is that you will almost always end up with odd lots but one can reinvest the dividends efficiently without commission.

February is one of my favorite month! The total dividends collected this month is $1,386.78. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
Far East Hospitality Trust Q5T 22-Feb-18 10,156 $98.51
Singapore Post Ltd S08 9-Feb-18 7,000 $35.00
Thai Beverage Public Co Ltd Y92 8-Feb-18 6,000 $106.29
OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust TS0U 6-Feb-18 8,000 $183.20
Starhill Global Real Estate Investment Trust P40U 2-Feb-18 12,000 $140.40
Ascott Residence Trust A68U 1-Feb-18 7,600 $283.48
SPDR STI ETF Units ES3 1-Feb-18 10,000 $530.00

Total dividends collected for 2018: $2,019.83
Average dividends per month for 2018: $1,009.92


KPO and CZM StashAway Asset Summary for February 2018

Capital: $5,000
Current: $4,968.91 (IRR: -1.4%)

The UI is slightly misleading, showing green when it is losing money. lol.

Health KPO Needs to Lose Weight
Date: 2018-03-02
Weight: 72.0 kg (The effect of CNY... Put on weight for the first time.)

BMI: 24.0

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  1. Hi KPO,

    I see plenty of purchase for this month in your portfolio!

    Btw, with the amount of good food on your Instagram, I'm suspecting how you manage to lose weight!!

    1. Hahaha. Ya man. That's why put on weight this month. 4 more months to wedding photo shoot!

  2. Hello,

    Finally found another blogger in their 20s! Hoping to learn more from your posts and see you hit your goals.


    1. Hi Cupcake,

      Yay! Another couple blog in 20s (we can only say that for 2 more years though. lol). We have pretty similar goals too, looking forward to more of your posts :)
