$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio Update - December 2017


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Portfolio Update - December 2017

Our portfolio increase by 5.35% to $296,159 - $10,344.29 of capital injection and $4,692.21 of  capital growth/reduction. The last few days of 2017 brought our portfolio value closer to the $300,000 mark! You can refer to Portfolio Performance in 2017 for more information on the performance for the whole year :)

- APAC Realty (12,000 units) @ $0.86

I did a write up on APAC Realty previously. In short, looking at its PE and our entry price, the stock was worth more than when it first IPO-ed at $0.66. At the point of writing this article, it is currently trading at $0.89 :)

The total dividends collected this month is $540.25. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Z74 18-Dec-17 3,000 $294.00
Asian Pay Television Trust S7OU 13-Dec-17 5,000 $81.25
Accordia Golf Trust ADQU 04-Dec-17 10,000 $165.00

Total dividends collected for 2017: $11,237.48
Average dividends per month for 2017: $936.46

We were so close to meeting another of our short term goal of having a passive income of $1,000 per month! Guess we got to try harder this year.


Capital: $3,000
Current: $3,053.16 (IRR: 3.4%)

Do take a look at this article if you missed it - StashAway Clarifications - Reward-to-Risk Ratio where Freddy Lim (Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer of StashAway) clarify how StashAway is optimising return by taking on lesser risk.

StashAway Referral Link for Our Readers
Here you go: KPO and CZM Referral Link

Health KPO Needs to Lose Weight
Date: 2018-01-02
Weight: 72.5 kg (Lost close > 10 kg already!)

BMI: 24.2

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
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3. Click here to subscribe using email :)


  1. lol how come health is a portfolio update. Anyway you are close to hitting 1k dividends a month! I am sure you will reach it this year!

    1. Hahaha. I am trying to lose weight. Was putting it at every post initially but it was too random. Eventually decided to put it in the portfolio update since it is done once a month.

      Yes, I think so too :)

  2. Ok off topic ... But how the hell you went thru / passed NS and ippt?!?!

    1. This is really random! I can no longer pass IPPT now. I always surrender first by signing up for IPT :)
