$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: 1 Year Anniversary - Thank You to Our Readers!


Friday, December 29, 2017

1 Year Anniversary - Thank You to Our Readers!

It has been 1 year since we started this blog when there were only 2 readers (CZM read my post while I read hers) to thousands of readers now. Interestingly, the first post of the blog was actually written by CZM - Food in London on 29/12/2016.

Let me share some interesting statistics/numbers which were contributed by each and every readers :)

We have > 215,000 pageviews since inception! The number continues to grow as you read this article. The latest number can be seen on the top left hand side <---

Majority of the readers are from Singapore.

Majority of the readers are between 25-34. Personally, I thought this graph is really interesting. Between 18-24, people have yet to start working hence, there is no need/reason to read up on finance/investment related stuff. 25-34 is when people enter the real world - start working, have some money but do not know what to do with them. 35-44 is when people have worked for at least 10 years, managing finances/investment is lesser of a problem. Precious time are mostly spent with family/children, reading bedtime stories instead of blog posts. The people in the 45-54 group would be thinking this 27 years old couple have not even live through a financial crisis. Better stop blogging. The 55-64 group can tell us that he/she is twice our age. Half will disagree on my CPF related articles while the other half will say good job. I am pretty amazed that 65 and beyond still drop by our blog.

Alternatively, our blog is attracting readers from the age group of 25-34 because we are in this group ourselves. Few years down the road, when we start writing about bao bao (baby) and the above graph might change...

More than 75% of the readers are male. So disappointing, I thought I would have more female fans. There are many other numbers and graphs in google analytics but they do not make much sense to me.

Based on the last 7 days of data, the easiest way to find our blog on Google is by searching for "kpo and czm" or "kpo czm" where the blog is indexed at the number 1 position! A search on "kpo" will bring you to the bar instead. Interestingly, our blog is ranked pretty high up for a search on "stashaway blog", "stashaway performance" or "stashaway returns".

Last but not least, these are the top 5 most popular posts which are accessible in the top right hand side --->

Do like any of the following for the latest update/post!
1. FB Page - KPO and CZM
2. Twitter - KPO and CZM
3. Click here to subscribe using email :)


  1. Hi KPO,

    Happy 1st anniversary to your blog and advance Happy New Year to you and CZM! :)

    I believe this blog had educated many people and provided them (including me) with sufficient knowledge and wisdom along the journey.

    Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to more learnings from you and your 2nd, 3rd, 4th... anniversary of "kpo-and-czm.blogspot.sg' :)

    1. Hi sleepydevil,

      I will be looking forward to yours too!
