$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Weekend Bridal Shop Window Shopping


Monday, September 11, 2017

Weekend Bridal Shop Window Shopping

It was pretty random but CZM and I went to check down to a few bridal shops over the weekend. However, our intention was to check things out and not sign anything.

These are the bridal shops that we went to:
Yikeshu Bridal and Photography Studio
1728 Wedding House

CZM has been sharing and tagging me on a lot of Rico-A-Mona gowns on FB. She would ask me if this or that is nice and I would always say "all of it looks nice on you". Hahaha. Naturally, that was the first bridal shop we went to check out. We were served by Sinny and she was pretty nice, not pushy at all. She started by explaining the details of the package and then CZM showed her some of the gowns she shared on my FB page. Sinny let CZM tried all of them and even recommended her something different! When CZM first wore the gown and walked out of the fitting room, my heart melted. CZM is so pretty <3 Unfortunately, Rico does not allow one to take photo of their gowns. Anyway, seeing it on the show and experiencing it yourself is so different! In total, CZM tried 4 gowns (all very pretty) and we spent like 2 hours in Rico. 

Next, we grabbed (there was $6 off promotion for 20 rides!) to Yikeshu Bridal and Photography Studio since they were having an open house. We were served by Eagles who also started by explaining the details of the packages. Price wise, Yikeshu is a lot cheaper as compared to Rico! KPO's eyes $_$ We asked to take a look at the gowns and was then served by Helen. Similarly, CZM showed her the Rico's gowns that she like but Helen was not very helpful or good in recommending gown to CZM. She tried one of it which both of us thought was not very nice and CZM lost interest. I am so wrong >.< Not all gowns are nice. The overall experience was so different and we spent about 30 minutes in Yikeshu.

We grabbed again to International Plaza and wanted to visit Alisha & Lace under the recommendation of a friend but they were out for a wedding show! Fortunately, 1728 Wedding House was opened! We wanted to check out 1728 because one of their models is our friend! We were served by Elaine who showed us their packages too. CZM then went on to try 3 gowns (2 looks nice but 1 with sleeve looks weird. lol). On a side note, Elaine is also the makeup artist for Mrs. Fish Bridal. We spent about an hour in their cozy small shop and left the place feeling extremely tired and hungry.

We grabbed to 2D1N Soju Bang and had a huge feast! lol. We ordered 2 BBQ items (1 black pork and 1 chicken) which comes with a free steam egg and a Kimchi pancake + all the free flow sides! I did not really like the black pork and chicken is always nice. Never really like Korean steam egg and will always prefer Japanese chawanmushi. However, my favorite dish is the Kimchi pancake. I would probably order 2 of that next time. lol. I know. There goes my weight loss plan for the day...

We are still undecided on the wedding stuff as of now and we have ample time till our wedding date (next year October). Do share with us if you had any tips or experiences in the comment or privately :)

Health - KPO Needs to Lose Weight
Date: 2017-09-10
Weight: 81.2 kg (karma for the feast)
BMI: 27.1

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