$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio Update - July 2017


Friday, August 4, 2017

Portfolio Update - July 2017

Our portfolio grew by 3.32% to $258,487 - $6,741.41 of capital injection and around $1,564.59 of capital growth!

- Netlink Trust (6,000 units) @ $0.81
- KPO OKP Holdings (5,000 units) @ $0.375

July seems like a busy month with many companies providing their quarterly earnings update which means a fat dividend month :) We applied for 20,000 units for Netlink Trust IPO and was allocated 6,000 units. We were pretty excited since this is the first time we IPO successfully but it turns out to be a pretty boring one when it opened flat. You can read my analysis to see how much of its assets can be attributed to thin air - Just Another Netlink Trust IPO Analysis.

OKP is the company that has been appearing in your FB news feeds because of the PIE work site collapsed. Its share price has fallen by close to 20% from $0.43 (before the accident) to $0.375 (my entry price) and to $0.345 (today). KPO has decided to support OKP in times of trouble. Just kidding, you can read this to find out why I bought OKP - StockResearchAsia Strikes Again - OKP Holdings Ltd. Anyway, OKP has a huge cash position $87,911,000 ($0.285 cash per cash) while its total liabilities is only $50,670,000. So I have decided to buy on fear but seeing the price fall furthers, now I also scare. lol. Just joking, I will probably buy more if it falls further.

This is also the month where the robo-advisors (StashAway and Smartly) went live. I was looking at both and decided to go with StashAway because they have lower fees and I prefer their interface more. While playing with the account, I wrote another article - Introduction to StashAway - Robo-Advisor/Automated Investing.

KPO manage to finish an eBook and wrote a Book Review - Building Wealth through REITS. This book is great because the explanations and REITs discussed were all from Singapore context. KPO also spent $188 on a Cat 1 ticket to watch Chelsea vs Inter Milan - 2017 International Champions Cup Singapore with a group of secondary friends. What a busy month for KPO as well! CZM is busy looking for a new job, more shall be revealed when the time is right. lol.

The total dividends collected this month is $1,541.36. The breakdown is as follows:

Company Symbol ExDate Shares Total
SPDR STI ETF Units ES3 28-Jul-17 9,000 $432.00
CapitaLand Mall Trust C38U 27-Jul-17 3,000 $82.50
Ascott Residence Trust A68U 26-Jul-17 7,600 $255.06
Singapore Post Ltd S08 25-Jul-17 7,000 $35.00
First Real Estate Investment Trust AW9U 21-Jul-17 7,000 $149.80
Soilbuild Business Space REIT SV3U 19-Jul-17 30,000 $439.80
Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust BUOU 03-Jul-17 8,000 $147.20

Total dividends collected for 2017: $6,767.57
Average dividends per month for 2017: $563.96

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