$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio Update - Mar 2017


Friday, April 7, 2017

Portfolio Update - Mar 2017

March did not turn out as bad as I expected it to be. The Fed rate hike did not have much of an impact this time round, I guess it has already been price in. Our portfolio increased by another 6.68% from both capital injection and capital gain to $216,083. This month, we saw a lot of green green for our daily PnL from the report sent out daily by SGXcafe :)

There was quite a bit of actions/transactions that happened during March. KPO decided to sell 2 stocks (SHS and Viva Industrial Trust) away to make room for newer better one. I bought SHS when I first started investing purely based on recommendation by someone from a forum (not a wise thing). Viva has already hit its NAV ($0.7661) and my idol published an article - VIVA Industrial Trust more attractive with 9% yield?. KPO wants to hold stocks for a long long time which makes 14 years a short time and the thought of half of the distribution income disappear is a very scary thought.

- SHS (19,000 units) @ $0.215 (PnL: $416.46)
- Viva (4,000 units) @ $0.785 (PnL: $475.99)

With the sale of the above stocks, KPO became cash rich again and I immediately deployed it by purchasing another REIT that has been on my watchlist for a long time - Starhill Global REIT. Starhill has a NAV of $0.92 and even at its current price, there is a 20% room for capital growth with 6-7% dividend yield while waiting. At a price of $0.73, it was very near its 52 week low, hence KPO pulled the trigger. KPO also purchase Frasers L&I Trust because it is one of the lowest geared REIT with potential to growth in the future. There is also a rights issue by Ascott REIT where I fully subscribed 1,450 units and over subscribed by another 4,550 units. Based on my previous analysis and the current price of Ascott REIT, I believe its PnL has already turn positive but I shall confirm that on April update.

- Frasers L&I Trust (8,000 units) @ $0.96
- Starhill Global REIT (5,000 units) @ $0.73 [Total units: 12,000 units]

The total dividends collected this month is $161.25. Feb was a more exciting month. The breakdown is as follows:
- Asian Pay Television Trust - $81.25
- OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust - $80.00

Total dividends collected for 2017: $2092.61
Average dividends per month for 2017: $174.38

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