$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: 2017 Q1 Expenses


Thursday, April 6, 2017

2017 Q1 Expenses

I have yet to receive my Standard Chartered March statement so portfolio update will have to wait. I did a review on my 2016 expenses and concluded that it was too high. 3 months have passed since then and let's take a look at my Q1 expenses to see if they are below 1/4 of my last year expenses.

Ideally, expenses should be less than $9,500, so how did KPO did?

Wedding $3,000.00
Parents $1,600.00
Me $800.26
Food $703.28
Credit Card $617.00
Insurance $515.64
Treat $466.64
Vacation $442.66
Gift $308.00
Transportation $278.46
Entertainment $226.65
Gambling $20.00
Investment $2.00
Grand Total $8,980.59

Total expenses comes up to $8,980! CZM and I have decided on a hotel to have our wedding banquet for 2018! We wanted to keep it small (10+ tables) and the hotel is pretty flexible with the payment (monthly flexible installment) too. We are planning to pay them $500 every month but the expenses for the next few month will be quite tight (need to pay tax soon) so we might stop that first. Expenses are tight because we are accumulating miles and DBS Woman's Card monthly spending is capped at $2,000 to earn 4 miles per dollar.

Similarly, let me remove those 1 time expenses (Wedding) as well as expenses incurred from KPO Expense Fund (Vacation).

Parents $1,600.00
Me $800.26
Food $703.28
Insurance $515.64
Treat $466.64
Gift $308.00
Transportation $278.46
Entertainment $226.65
Credit Card $28.50
Gambling $20.00
Investment $2.00
Grand Total $4,949.43

So far so good, it seem that my expenses is lower as compared to last year! Expense on myself is higher because I purchased PlayStation 4 and some games (FF XV and Fifa 17) earlier this year. 

Beverages $99.68
Breakfast $18.40
Dessert $11.60
Dinner $197.49
Lunch $376.11
Food Total $703.28
If you are wondering why the cost of food is so low, it is because I am either having them at home (breadfast and meals on weekends) or under the expense of the company (dinner - claim for OT).

Early Cancer Care - 150k $195.00
Hospitalisation $107.64
Term - 1 Million $213.00
Insurance Total $515.64
This is the cost of my current insurance premium, I believe this will only get higher over the years.

Colleagues $6.50
Darling $137.84
Family $317.50
Friends $4.80
Treat Total $466.64
Once in a while, KPO will treat people around him. KPO is not a good friend/colleague as those are very rare occasion. Hahahaha.

Cab $61.83
Darling Cab $20.73
EZ Link $195.90
Transportation Total $278.46
Transportation looks alright too. On second thoughts, it might get lower once we move to our new home in 2019 which will be nearer to our workplace and CZM and I will be staying together. Dun need to travel to each other house, stayed till after midnight then cab home.

KTV $9.00
Movie $24.25
Others $193.40
Entertainment Total $226.65
Entertainment is relatively high because I purchased a Cat 1 ticket ($188) for Chelsea vs Inter Milan match - 2017 International Champions Cup. Nope, KPO is not a Chelsea fan. I am going with my secondary friends. Initially, my plan was to get a Cat 4 ticket ($40) and meet them before/after the match (CZM say I KPO max) but they offered to all get Cat 4 tickets and watch together instead. KPO decided not to be 扫兴 (ruin everyone's happiness) and got the Cat 1 ticket.

The rest are miscellaneous expenses such as losing $20 for mahjong. CZM wants to ban me, she said I always lose money. If you are thinking $20 is little, that is because CZM's parents always give chance and collect $10 only. There is also the $2 Kimly IPO cost, maybe I should categorized that as Gambling instead.

CZM says she wants to retire next year after reading this article - How This 28-Year-Old Retired In NYC With A Net Worth Of More Than $2 Million. Looking at my expenses and dividends so far, long way to go before financial freedom. How to retire by 28? lol.

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