$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Food in London


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Food in London

Being an Asian food lover, I wasn't expecting to have much fantastic food in London/Iceland/Paris, since Ang Moh food is just about burgers, potatoes and fries, and it kinda taste the same everywhere right?

However, I was quite surprised to find really good food over there. Below are all my recommendations (or not):

1) Duck Confit @ Borough Market

Located at some corner of the market, I highly recommend this duck confit wrap. The duck is crispy and fragrant.

Note: Borough Market is closed on Sundays, and have limited opening hours on Monday and Tuesday.

Rate: 4/5

2) Raclette Kappacasein Dairy @ Borough Market

Located at some ulu part at the end of the market. I have seen numerous videos on Facebook raving about the Raclette from this shop. Being a cheese lover, how can I possibly miss this?
Basically Raclette is a pungent bitter-salty cheese made from cow's milk. The staff will melt a bit of the raclette cheese. Once melted, the cheese was scraped off and served on top of potatoes and pickles.

Honestly, given the queue and the rave, I think this was overrated. Didn't really like the bitter after-taste and the cheese hardens quite fast, esp during winter. We were a little jelak towards the end.

Rate: 3/5

3) Four Seasons Duck @ Leicester Square

Everyone say go London must eat London Duck. So we tried that before our theatre show on the first night in London since it was within walking distance to our show later that night.

I personally thought it was just a normal duck rice, the skin wasn't particularly fragrant or crisp, but the spring onion-lookalike thing which comes with the duck rice was really nice and added a lot of plus points. It has the same taste as a typical 燒臘 place in Hong Kong and reminds me of my Hong Kong exchange days in Uni with KPO. KPO reckons it was famous because Asians living in London probably missed good Asian food.

Saving tips, if you want to try this, you should order the 雙拼 rather than alacarte because it is a lot cheaper.

Note: opens from 12pm - 11.30pm daily

Rate: 4/5 (+1 point for the spring onion)

4) English breakfast @ Museum Cafe, 83 Bermondsey St

Wanted to try an English breakfast since we are at London, so we tried this near our Airbnb place. However, we immediately regretted when it came. It was just red beans, sunny side up, sausage and plain bread for approx £7-8 (which is freaking SGD 16)! And it was just so ordinary...but we should have expected it la, so serve us right..

Rate: 2/5

5) Fish & Chips @ The White Horse (Oxford Uni)

So they say go Ang Moh country must eat fish and chips. And we tried one during our trip to Oxford Uni - The White Horse as it was recommended by our tour guide. Can't remember when this stall was opened, but remember it was super long ago and it was sandwiched between Blackwells bookstore so the stall is really small. The bookstore wanted to buy over the space which The White Horse currently occupies, but was rejected by the owner.

They only use Cod or Haddock as the fish and it was really fresh and was perfect together with homemade tar tar sauce. Probably one of the best fish and chips I have eaten (apart from the one which I tried at New Zealand).

The picture below doesn't do justice to the fish and chips - it is really good.

Note: The place is really small, so try to go at odd hours.
Opens 12pm - 9pm daily.

Rate: 4.5/5

6) The Breakfast Club (many outlets)

So we had one near our place (London Bridge) and it was so so so much better than the English breakfast we had (see #4 above). I had a pancake while KPO had scrambled eggs + smoked salmon. His was ordinary, but I thought the pancake was really good. The pancake had buttery taste and was topped with a sunny side up. Thumbs up!

Try to go early as we were seeing long queues outside the shop at around 10am already.

Rate: 4/5

That's it for food in London. Will be blogging about food in Iceland and Paris another time.

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