$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: 2016 Portfolio Review


Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Portfolio Review

Happy New Year to all!

2016 will be over soon and it has been a great year (for us and our portfolio)! This is the year it finally turn positive >.<

Since this is my first post, I shall share a bit on how it all started..

I started buying stock when I was still in university without much financial knowledge. I thought that stocks which were trading > $1 were too "expensive" and penny stocks were much cheaper. I was trading stocks in and out based on forum/analyst report and lost quite a bit of money (about -15% and I even lost sleep over those losses). My favorite example is Ezion when I purchase it at $2.12 then came the oil crisis and at its lowest, it was worth $0.21. CZM kept asking me to sell everything because I was making losses till early 2016 but I ignored her. lol.

I continued to read/research online and came across ASSI and I really like his way of investing for income. I also decided to invest in myself and paid to attend the Value Investing Mastery Course (VIMC) by BigFatPurse which gave me more confident in valuing and investing in stocks.

Once I graduated and joined the workforce (in 2015), we decided that both of us will transfer $1000 of our salary (each) into my saving account to save up for our future. CZM wanted to call it "Happiness Fund" initially (so we can use it to travel, wedding, etc.) but I rejected the idea and managed to persuade her to call it "KPO Fund". This give a better impression that the money in the fund has to be utilized carefully and it is being managed by me. I then went on to propose that the fund will be split up into 2 components (Expense Fund and Investment Fund). Literally split her happiness into 2. Hahahaha.

Our target is to have enough passive income so CZM can become a housewife (this is how I scam her to continue to work). Let's take a look at 2016 year performance:

KPO - $5,306
KPO Fund - $90

2015 Total - $3,262(about $272 per month)
2016 Total - $5,396 (about $450 per month - 65% increase!)

We are still pretty far from our end goal but we will continue to build it up!

Time-weighted returns of portfolio is 10.05% vs -0.34% (STI ETF).

Total return (XIRR) for 2016 is about 9.48%. Hopefully 2017 will be better!


  1. The sti etf u mentioned is it buying the stock ES3? I read in some post you mention to buy it quarterly. May i know the reason? Thanks! U are inspiring!

    1. Hi Gare Hoon,

      Yes, ES3. Great question! It was probably just a "old habit". When we first started, the minimum number of shares required per transaction was 1,000 (~$3k+) which makes monthly investment impossible.

      In addition, before we got priority status with SCB, the minimum commission was $10 per transaction. So when the minimum number of shares required was reduce to 100, it was not cost effective. All these made us buy ES3 quarterly.

      You brought up a good point! We should review it as there is nothing stopping us from buying it monthly now!

      Thank you! Glad that we have managed to inspire you :)

    2. Thanks so much for ur reply! May i know what is prority status with SCB? Is buy ES3 the same as posb invest saver where one invest $100(min) monthly?

    3. No problem :) It is just a banking relationship with the bank with a minimum amount of investment/assets - https://www.sc.com/sg/priority/

      More or less the same. POSB invest saver buys Nikko AM Singapore STI ETF (G3B). Both ETF tracks our Singapore Straits Times Index but is managed by different fund house. You can read more about the differences compiled by Dr Wealth here - https://www.drwealth.com/sti-etf/

      If you plan to invest <$500 monthly, POSB invest saver is a great place to start. You can read about the comparison done by Seedly here - https://blog.seedly.sg/which-regular-savings-plan-is-the-cheapest/

      Hope this helps!
