$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Our Portfolio


Our Portfolio

We are using StocksCafe to track our portfolio performance. You can follow me in stocks.cafe to see the full details of our journey to financial freedom!

Current Portfolio


Portfolio Report

Crypto DeFi Farming


  1. hey OKP, noticed that you bought SingHoldings in Sep, but it's not listed here?


    1. Hi Gareth,

      OKP still in my portfolio. Hahahaha. I set a trailing stop loss for SingHoldings and it was triggered yesterday. Sold at $0.47 for a +18.4% profit :)

    2. HAHA sorry, KPO*. Thanks for the info :)

  2. Hi KPO, I like your blog and learnt quite a few things. What would be your exit strategy when the market is uncertain? Given the current portfolio you have.

    1. Hi Ben,

      Thanks! Glad that it has helped you :)

      Honestly, there is no exit strategy. CZM and I discussed this and both of us are totally cool with the portfolio tanking as the money invested are for the long term. During uncertainty, we will simply continue to buy stocks if we believe that there is an opportunity. The most important part is to use excess/spare money so that we do not have to liquidate our portfolio for money.

      Our goal is to collect and live off dividends one day, so we will not be selling/exiting unless there's a better opportunity or change in fundamentals.

      There is no right/wrong way to do it. What you need to find is the best way to fit your style/goal. Hope this helps :)

  3. I have the same thought too about dividends building. Which stocks or funds would you recommend for building of Dividends portfolio?

    1. REITs! As to which REIT, you would have to make that decision yourself.

      Since you mention funds, you might be interested in those REITs ETFs but do take note of the additional cost involved. Having said that, investing through REITs ETF is hassle free :)

  4. HI KPO,

    Is the above current portfolio (32 Stocks) using StashAway P28?

    1. Also, StashAway P28=1.82% / ((3/12)*4.28%)=1.70x

      What is 1.82%? How do you derive this figure?

    2. Hi Angus,

      The portfolio are SGX stocks and has nothing to do with StashAway. StashAway invest in ETFs listed in the US.

      You are looking at the Reward-to-Risk ratio. I will suggest you read this article - http://kpo-and-czm.blogspot.com/2017/11/stashaway-clarifications-reward-to-risk.html

  5. hi KPO

    Your blog provides me some insightful investment tips and i am thankful for your referral link for my StashAway account ! :) (Saved me some management fees on StashAway)

    1. Hi WD,

      We are glad that the blog has helped you! On a side note, we are of the same age! Hahaha.

  6. Hi KPO,

    Your portfolio is just W.O.W for someone 28 this year.

    I'm 30 this year but trail you by miles!

    I notice your portfolio is mainly made up of SG stocks, any reason why you don't look at other markets?

    1. Hi Wife Say I Niao,

      Hahaha. Thank you. This is not a competition and everyone live/grow up in very different environment. We do not have any liabilities at the moment and can afford to be more aggressive than others. I guess we are fortunate to have a decent paying job after graduation too.

      Like you, we have a 10 year goal for retirement (maybe semi)! The goal is made with the assumption that the dividends will cover all expenses. Dividends from SG stocks are not taxable which makes them the most ideal and there is no FX risk.

  7. Hi, nice blog. Have you gotten your own roof as I believe the cash for investment will be down significantly if the money is used to purchase property which many of us do so

    1. Hi leileichu,

      Thank you and welcome to our blog! Hahaha. Not yet. Our house will only be ready in 2019. We are still staying with our parents so have more savings/cash to invest :)

  8. Hello there,

    I'm planning to start investing soon and I'm interested in stashaway and also REITs and STI ETFs. Is that a good strategy for a noobie? Also, what app do you use to monitor your stock charts?

    1. sounds like a trap LOL.

      - they are using Stocks Cafe to track their portfolio, and also use their own spreadsheets for the purpose of comparison thus far.
      - Stashaway is relatively user friendly / idiot proof. great for lazy people, and for a tad bit of exposure to US ETFs if you're keen for something different.

      strategy wise , reits/etf/stashaway seems like the basic entry move that everyone makes, myself included. :D
      best to do your own due dilligence though (and pick up fundamental analysis or technical analysis along the way)


    2. Hi Meow,

      Apologies, I miss your comment totally! Blogger/Google has screwed up and stopped sending email since May (https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/blogger/zKv69yZNo6k) and I am having a harder time responding to comments >.<

      Thanks Junze! That is an excellent response! There is no good/best strategy, just find one that will be suitable for you. If you are just starting out, I will recommend doing DCA monthly on STI ETF or robo advisor first. Meanwhile, read up and learn more before you start to pick stocks/REITs.

      The most important thing (often the hardest too) is to take the first step towards investing for a better future!

  9. First time chanced upon this blog. Not a brilliant investor myself, but I get the message that you are losing out to the STI etf (capital returns+dividends reinvested I presume). So my question is why try to beat the market index when it is so difficult ?. I myself also wish to create a dividend income stream, but came to a conclusion that since total return=earnings + cash (dividends), you then simply need to just sell the sti ETF for cash when you need it for expenses....perhaps the only way forward is simply to focus on REITs as that seem to have beaten the index.

    1. Hi Unknown,

      Firstly, welcome to our blog!

      So my question is why try to beat the market index when it is so difficult?

      Who doesn't want to beat the market? lol. It is fun and I enjoy the process of analyzing and stock picking even though I can be wrong. CZM believes more in buying the index and that is why we have invested in STI ETF and REITs ETF too.

      you then simply need to just sell the sti ETF for cash when you need it for expenses... <--- I would not agree with this. If you are selling it for cash, then you would be at the mercy of the market. Selling them during a crash and you will soon find your fund/investment running out. On the other hand, living off dividends would be more predictable and sustainable. The trade-off is the amount/investment needed would be significantly larger than drawing down/selling the investment.

      Hope this helps!

  10. Hi, as a noobie, is it better to start with sti etf with dollar averaging?

    1. Hi iamalazypig,

      Ops, we were overseas, hence the delay in response. There's no better/best way to start your investment journey. Just read up more, decide on what suits your risk appetite and stick with it.

  11. Great portfolio there. Commendable effort and diligent tracking. Dont know how I made it here but ended up spending 30min on your blog. Lot older than you and much poorer.. so ended up envying :):)

    1. Hi nkc,

      Thanks for the message. I hope you enjoyed that 30 min.

      No worries, age is just a number and it is never too late to start your investment journey. Do return once in a while for more updates :)

  12. Hi, are you using POEMS for your dividend stocks and reits?

    1. Hi Santa,

      Apologies on the late reply! Missed it totally. We are using SCB online trading account with priority status which means no minimum commission.

  13. Hi, how did u start with your investment?

    1. Hi,

      This question is so generic that it is so hard to answer! Hmm. It started when I took a module/elective back in university (NTU) - Business Finance. From there, I just opened an account with SCB (back then there was no minimum commission hence it was the most cost effective) and started with just $5k doing stock picking.

      Over time, I just kept reading here and there and learnt from my mistakes/bad investment.

      Hope this answers your question.

  14. Hi again, I realised your portfolio has STI ETF with both dbs and sub. Any reason why you split them?

    1. Hi S,

      Apologies for missing your comment. Are you asking why we have STI ETF and the individual stocks (such as DBS) which are STI component?

      One of our plan was to DCA/invest in STI ETF on a regular basis which failed miserably. lol. DBS and the other stocks were just attractive at different period of time. Example DBS had close to 5% dividend yield which STI ETF didn't have.

      Hope this answers your question.
