$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Our Goals


Our Goals

We will update as and when we think of more or have met the goal:

Short Term (Next 1 - 2 Years: Before 2018)
- $200,000 Portfolio (Done - Feb 2017)
- $1000 per month of passive income (Done - Portfolio - October 2018)
- Wedding (Big Day on 07/10/2018) - Our Wedding Expenses is Within Our Budget!
- Fly Suites Class to US Using Krisflyer Miles (Done - Nov 2017)

Medium Term (3 - 5 Years: Before 2021)
- Move into our new house! (Done - Moved in a few months after BTO HDB Key Collection & Door Opening Ceremony)
- $500,000 Portfolio (Done - Portfolio - June 2020 with the use of some leverage)
- S$1 Million Net Worth (Done - 1 Million Combined Net Worth By Age 30)
- $2000 per month of passive income

Long Term (> 5 Years)
- $1,000,000 Portfolio (Done - Portfolio - July 2021 ($1 Million Achieved!))
- $5000 per month of passive income
- Hit CPF Minimum Sum
- Pay off mortgage
- 2nd property?

Last Updated: 2021-08-04


  1. Wow... Just curious how old are u guys?

    I see u guys just got married so mid twenties to late twenties and already 200k in portfolio?

    And within 3-5 years 500k portfolio? Is it because you guys are earning decently as it seems that barring any capital gains, u guys are pumping in 100k per year on average .

    1. Hi Sean, we are 27 and not married yet. lol. The journey started back in 2014 when I was still in university ($40k) through savings, NS allowance, part-time. I am called Kiam Pok for a reason ;) Along the way, made some money through both capital gain and dividends and reinvested all of them.

      After university, I was fortunate to find a job that pays higher than the median salary of a fresh graduate and CZM had already worked 2 years because I had to serve the nation. Unfortunately, I inherited a sum of money last year when my grandfather passed away which I invested all of it into the market too.

      I feel right now (for us) is the time to be more aggressive because we do not have much financial commitments/responsibilities such as mortgage, baby, etc. We would not have any cash flow difficulty. Hence, majority of our wealth is in the market. If you stand behind and peep at the screen for my account balance while I withdraw money from the ATM, you will see that KPO is very poor :'(

      Everyone have different situation and start their journey differently. I think what is important is realizing the importance of managing your finances, letting your money work for you and having long term goal in mind (the fact that you are reading various financial blogs show that you already know this, so jia you and good luck in your journey!). The bonus is finding someone to share the same goal with you (like CZM)!

      Oh my, this response looks like it is long enough to be a post!

  2. Just read about us. Any insights on how to achieve a 200k portfolio in 2 years? Mind sharing how it all started?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Alucard,

      Thanks for dropping by! You are so humble! Majority of our money is in the market and we are extremely low on cash. Hahahaha.

  4. Amazing blog with amazing posts, we are actually the same age with many similarities.

    If you have time, might be good to design this website, it looks a bit opiang :) Just my two cents complaint.

    1. Hi KY,

      Thanks! Good to know/find people with similarities.

      Hahahaha. I agree that it is opiang but I am lazy/prefer to spend my time on other stuffs >.< Maybe after wedding? lol.

  5. Hey i came across ur blog after going through the burrow by DBS. i find ur blog quite informative and we had similar goals in mind and also not to mention getting married this year as well just 1 week later after you HAHA

    1. Hi Neo Kah Wei,

      Glad that you find it useful :) Congrats on your wedding in advance. Is 14/10 the birthday of your other half too? Hahahaha.

  6. Hi KPO/CZM,

    I am a very envious fellow blogger who is 2-3 years older than you guys. If you are fine, will be nice to exchange blog links.


    And how did you guys managed to save so much at a age of 27?
    As a near 30 yo, I am only reaching the 100k mark ,including CPF :(

    1. Hi Frowns88,

      Nothing to be envious of! Everyone is in a different situation/environment. 100k at age 30 is pretty decent too, I am sure there are people out there who would be envious of you too! At the end of the day, the journey we walked may be different but the goal is the same (retirement) :)

      I guess CZM and I were quite fortunate to get decent paying jobs (we can no longer apply for BTO/EC, heng ah!) and we are big time savers.

      No problem at all! I have added your blog to the list -->

    2. Very kind of you. Indeed, we are all working towards the same direction.

      Have added your site as well!

  7. Enjoy reading your blog. I am few years older than you. Have tracking similar way in private excel. I have now Pay off my house in 6 years and setting aside fund for kid education. Want to build similar passive income stream like you do. Nice sharing

    1. Wow! Paid off your house in 6 years?! That's very impressive!

      Sounds good, plan way way ahead. I am really glad that my parents had saved up for my university too. Graduating without debt definitely gave us a head start as compared to some of our peers.

      Let's work hard and grow our passive income!

  8. if you don't mind me asking but on what platform do you buy and sell your stocks?

    1. Hi financial prayers,

      Not at all. We are using Standard Chartered Online Trading for majority of the stocks. A very small portion are in CDP/Vickers due to IPO and private placement.

    2. Hi KPO,
      Thanks for your sharing. I learned a lot from your posts.
      SCB Priority has no minimum brokerage fees. Just wondering how do you think about the risk of having your investment under SCB custodian. I read something about the difference between CDP and Custodian here https://blog.moneysmart.sg/invest/investment-brokerage-singapore-guide/

    3. Hi Layla,

      Glad that you found them useful :)

      I guess you are referring to the investment brokerage firm going bankrupt? I would say almost impossible (at least for the banks). Even if it were to happen, they will either be eaten up by bigger companies/bank (life goes on for us as per normal) or the shares can be transferred out to CDP before any of that happens.

      The custodian model works because they will be regulated by MAS in order to keep their license. If you have concern about it, then you can't invest in robos or overseas stocks because all of them will be in a custodian account.

      As for attending AGMs or voting rights, we will most likely be working and I'm sure you wouldn't want to waste your precious leave to attend them.

      Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about it and go for the lower/lowest cost. Otherwise, just stick with CDP.

    4. Hi KPO,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I just opened my SCB online trading account and cannot wait to buy IWDA (forgot to choose USD settlement account while applying. now I have to wait for next Monday to call them to open it).

      SCB Priority account needs $200,000 fund, too high to hit. Do you happen to know if there is any trick to open priority account with lower fund?


    5. Haha. Everyone got to start somewhere, for the first 3/4 years, we were not a priority customer too. Just slowly build up. Instead of investing x amount per month, do it every quarter or whenever you have the capital to "meet" the minimum commission.

      I am aware that if one has a housing loan > $200k with SCB, he/she will be considered a priority customer as well. Otherwise, I do not believe the bank will let anyone trick them with a lower fund.

    6. Haha thanks for your advice. Investing with a higher amount makes sense!
