$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: StockResearchAsia Strikes Again - OKP Holdings Ltd


Saturday, July 22, 2017

StockResearchAsia Strikes Again - OKP Holdings Ltd

There are a few blogs which I follow closely but there is only one which I have read every single post/article written - StockResearchAsia (KPO exaggerating...). They hardly post recommendation but if they do, it is almost a sure win. Their analysis is something which I can never do due to the time and effort required. Interestingly, they also suggested one to adopt a passive investing style which is to buy a low-cost ETF using dollar cost averaging method (similar to Warren Buffett). The main difference between them and the bank analysts' recommendation/target price is stated in their disclaimer/important notice "We put money where our mouth is.".

Let me give you a summary of the performance of its past recommendations and performance:

25/01/2016 - 2015- Our encouraging first year scorecardThe 6 recommendations made generated an average of 25.7% relative outperformance when compared against the indexes (STI/KLCI).

31/03/2016 - TSH Corporation Ltd- Classic net-net micro-cap trading at steep discount to net cash, announces big dividends
Price of TSH on 31/03/2016: $0.079

28/05/2016 -  TSH Corporation Ltd- Expect more to come
Price of TSH on 28/05/2016: $0.117 (86% return in 2 months)

03/09/2016 -  TSH Corporation Ltd (Update) – Sitting on mountain of cash following disposals
Price of TSH on 03/09/2016: $0.127 (99% return in 5 months)

17/09/2016 - TSH Corporation Ltd (Update-2) – Big payday for shareholders
Price of TSH on 17/09/2016: $0.127 (A total distribution of $0.1532 payout as dividends)

I bought TSH on 6th April 2016 and made a total of 72% return. Currently still holding on to the 21,000 shares and hoping for an RTO (Reverse Takeover)? lol.

13/02/2017 - Bukit Sembawang Estates Ltd- Undervalued proxy to buying land at 1953 prices
Price of Bukit Sembawang on 13/02/2017: $4.940
Current price: $6.780 (37% return)

Price of HG Metal on 13/06/2017: $0.415
Current price: $0.545 (31% return)

17/07/2017 - OKP Holdings Ltd- Is the latest Tampines accident sounding of the death knell or a buying opportunity in disguise?
Price of OKP on 17/07/2017: $0.370

As much as I wanted to follow their previous 2 recommendations, I was tight on cash. However, this time round I managed to squeeze out some money and initiated a small position (5,000 shares at $0.375). Once I successfully sell Wee Hur, will proceed to buy more OKP. KPO showing some support to OKP! lol.

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