$$$ KPO and CZM $$$: Portfolio Update - Feb 2017


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Portfolio Update - Feb 2017

I just realized our blog has reached its first tiny milestone - 1,000 page views! Thank you everyone!

We are proud to announce that we have hit our 1st short term goal this month - our portfolio is now greater than $200,000 :) With that, we have applied to become Standard Chartered Priority Customer. That means we have lower commissions (0.18% as compared to 0.20% previously) and most importantly, the minimum commission of $10 no longer apply. One of our strategy is to use DCA (dollar cost averaging) to buy 1 lot (1000 units) of STI ETF every quarter and we were quite annoyed by the fact that we will have to pay the $10 (KPO mentality) so we sort of put it on hold back then when it was around $2.9X >.<

February is the month where both of us got our bonuses for slogging our lives away for the past year. Hence, we had more $$$ than usual and invested $15,000 in the followings:
- Raffles Medical (4000 units)
- Soilbuild REITS (10,500 units)
- Sheng Siong (3000 units)

We decided to buy more Raffles Medical because its price fell further since we last bought it. However, after we bought it, it fell even more >.< Before buying more Soilbuild REITS, my average price was around $0.733. I decided to average down and at its current price ($0.645), there is definitely room for capital growth (NAV $0.72) and dividend yield is around 9%. Both our parents did not receive any phone call when they were watching 缤纷万千在昇菘 The Sheng Siong Show for the past few weeks. As their son/daughter, we learnt from their mistakes and buy more of the shares to collect dividends instead. Ignoring the above investment, our portfolio grew by about 1.8% this month. Not too bad but I am expecting next month to be bad because interest hike is coming to town again. All my REITs will bleed...

The total dividends collected this month is $1,170.11. The breakdown is as follows:
- STI ETF: $424
- Croesus Retail Trust: $234.82 (I chose DRIP instead)
- OUE Commercial REIT: $200
- Far East Hospitality Trust: $112
- Starhill Global REIT: $88.20
- Viva Industrial Trust: $41.28
- Singapore Post: $35
- Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust: $34.80

Total dividends collected for 2017: $1,931.36
Average dividends per month for 2017: $160.95 


  1. Hi KPO,

    Interesting. It's not often you see a OUE C-REIT unitholder :)

    1. Hi Unintelligent Nerd, I agree :) I hope you are a OUE holder too ;)

    2. Yup, I am. Smallish position though

  2. Hi KPO, quite impressed by your 200k portfolio. If you started out working in 2015 you basically have 1.5 or 2 years to earn? Are fresh grads earning 10k a month these days :p

    1. Hi Cheryl, I wished I am earning that much!! Someone asked the same question, you can refer to "Our Goals" https://kpoadventure.blogspot.sg/p/our-goals.html for my very long comment/explanation.
